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篇名 試題難度差異對臺灣學生PISA閱讀素養趨勢分析之影響與閱讀教育政策意涵
並列篇名 Effect of Differential Item Functioning on the Trend Analysis of Taiwanese Students’ Reading Literacy in PISA
作者 陳冠銘(Kuan-Ming Chen) 、任宗浩(Tsung-Hau Jen)
中文摘要 國際學生能力評量計畫之原始趨勢分析顯示,臺灣學生閱讀素養表現自2009至2015年呈現大幅上升後又大幅下降,惟其變化幅度難以由歷屆閱讀教育政策解釋,亦無法回饋閱讀教育政策制定方向。本研究經由該評量計畫閱讀測驗試題難度之跨屆分析,發現因該評量計畫試題選用之特性,導致跨屆試題平均難度產生差異:相較於國際平均,2012年的閱讀試題對臺灣學生平均難度顯著較低,因而高估該屆臺灣學生之閱讀能力。經校正跨屆試題難度差異後,可觀察到此期間臺灣學生閱讀素養表現呈現整體上升趨勢,正向回饋我國閱讀教育政策。另經由閱讀認知任務題型難度之分析,建議臺灣閱讀教育政策應著重跨越文本段落與範疇之統整與詮釋、省思與評價等高層次閱讀能力的發展。
英文摘要 Through the original trend analysis of the reading literacy of Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), Taiwanese students showed significant changes in their performance between 2009 and 2015, and the changes are inconsistent with reading instruction policies. The current study considers the Differential Item Functioning (DIF) resulted from the item selection across PISA cycles, and observes a low average item difficulty for Taiwanese students as compared to the international average for PISA 2012. Through calibrating the DIF values across cycles, the reading performance of Taiwanese students shows a gradual growth through 2009 to 2015, consistent with the reading instruction policies. In addition, through analyzing the relations between DIF and reading processes the current study further suggests that the reading instruction policies shall enhance the processes of integrating and interpreting and of reflecting and of evaluating of Taiwanese students.
頁次 106-123
關鍵詞 中等教育 差異試題功能 測量一致性 閱讀素養 趨勢分析 secondary school education differential item functioning measurement equivalence reading literacy trend analysis
卷期 316
日期 202008
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020080316007