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篇名 跨領域課程發展與實踐:以東華附小專題探究課程為例
並列篇名 The Development and Practice of Cross-disciplinary Curriculum: A Case Study of the “Project Inquiry Curriculum” in the Experimental Primary School of National Dong Hwa University
作者 連安青(An-Ching Lien) 、周子宇(Chou Tzu-Yu) 、白亦方(Yi-Fong Pai)
中文摘要 十二年國民基本教育課程延續九年一貫的課程統整概念,倡導跨領域課程的發展與實踐。本文透過三方面:一、訪談與教師敘說,從以終為始,構思課程架構,二、教師共備發展課程,三、學生展現多元學習成效,說明東華大學附小教師由下而上自主發展「專題探究」跨領域課程的歷程與實踐故事。其次,論述教師發展跨領域課程面臨的困境與解決。最後,提出:一、超越教科書的宰制,展現教師主體性。二、突破單一領域課程的框限,開啟跨領域課程的視野。三、穩定的跨領域課程發展與實踐等三個關於發展跨領域課程的教師專業發展與挑戰的省思作為結語。
英文摘要 The 12-Year Basic Education Curriculum is consistent with the Grade 1-9 Curriculum in its concept of curriculum integration and in advocating the development and practice of cross-disciplinary curriculum. This article presents the process of the development and practice of the “project inquiry” curriculum in the Experimental Primary School of National Dong Hwa University through teacher narratives and interviews, and discusses this bottom-up development of the cross-disciplinary curriculum in three aspects: designing the curriculum structure with the mindset of “beginning with the end”, developing the curriculum through collaborative lesson preparation, and the multiple learning effects shown by the students. It also discusses the dilemmas and solutions that teachers encounter when developing cross-disciplinary courses. Findings of the study are, firstly, teacher’s subjectivity is demonstrated by surpassing the dominance of textbooks. Secondly, to open up the horizon of cross-field curriculum, teachers need to break through the limits of single-field courses. Thirdly, stable implementation is crucial to the development of cross-disciplinary curriculum. The researcher concludes this study with a reflection on teachers’ professional development and challenges when developing cross-disciplinary curriculum.
頁次 036-054
關鍵詞 教師專業發展 跨領域課程 課程統整 課程發展與實踐 teachers’ professional development cross-disciplinary curriculum curriculum integration development and practice of curriculum
卷期 316
日期 202008
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020080316003