

篇名 “新生代海归”就业质量的影响因素研究——基于有序Logistic—ISM模型的实证分析
並列篇名 Factors Influencing Chinese Returnees’ Employment Quality: Empirical Analysis Based on Ordinal Logistic Regression and ISM Model
作者 柳芸芸(Liu Yunyun) 、叶映华(Ye Yinghua)
中文摘要 随着越来越多80后和90后“新生代海归”选择回国发展,他们的就业质量随之引起了社会各界的广泛关注。本研究以203名“新生代海归”为研究对象,探讨社会人口学背景、海外教育经历、国内求职活动三方面对其客观及主观就业质量的影响。研究首先运用有序Logistic回归模型确定“新生代海归”就业质量的影响因素,发现回国时间、留学形式、留学区域、留学年限、学历、求职频率、面试次数、就业区域和单位类型影响客观层面的就业质量—即平均月薪;而独生子女、回国时间、留学形式、逆文化适应、第一份工作寻找时间、面试次数、offer次数、就业区域和单位类型等则影响主观层面的就业质量—即工作契合度、工作满意度和离职意向;同时,客观就业质量能够影响主观就业质量。根据上述发现,本研究使用ISM模型建立影响因素之间的关联关系与层次结构,发现社会人口学和部分海外教育经历因素在“新生代海归”的就业质量模型中发挥深层根源性作用,海外教育结果(如学历、逆文化适应等)是处于中间的关键连接因素,国内求职活动是影响就业质量的表层直接原因。基于上述分析,本研究最后提出了促进“新生代海归”高质量就业的建议。
英文摘要 With the “new generation returnees” of the post-80s and post-90s returning to China for development, their employment quality have attracted widespread attention. The paper takes socio-demographic background, education abroad, job search at home into account and analyzes how their contained factors affect Chinese returnees’ employment quality (objective side and subjective side). 203 Chinese returnees who returned to China within three years participated in this study and filled out a questionnaire. Based on ordinal logistic regression, the study found that return time, form of study abroad, area of study abroad, length of study abroad, degree, job search intensity, number of interviews, area of the working and sector type affect objective employment quality (i.e., average monthly income), while one child or not, degree, return time, form of study abroad, re-entry adaption, the time of getting the first job, number of interviews, number of offers, area of the working, sector type as well as objective employment quality affect subjective employment quality (i.e., job –person fit match, job satisfaction as well as turnover intention). In addition, by forming a multi-level directional relationship with Interpretive Structural Modelling (ISM), the paper found that socio-demographic and part of the educational experience abroad play an underlying role in the employment quality model; educational outcome abroad (such as degree and re-entry adaption, etc.) are indirect factor at the middle level; job search at home is directly related to the quality of job employment. The results are analyzed and recommendations to promote high-quality job quality are made.
頁次 042-058
關鍵詞 新生代海归 就业质量 留学教育 求职活动 Logistic—ISM模型 Chinese returnees employment quality job search education abroad Logistic-ISM CSSCI
卷期 39:12
日期 202112
刊名 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2021.12.004