

篇名 面向教师专业发展的实践共同体评价模型研究
並列篇名 Research on Communities of Practice Evaluation Model and the Factor Analysis for Teacher’s Professional Development
作者 华子荀(Hua Zixun) 、许力(Xu Li) 、杨明欢(Yang Minghuan)
中文摘要 实践共同体是实现教师专业化发展和各级各类学校跨区域协同发展的有效实施路径。论文研究了实践共同体作为一种跨区域协同教学实践的组织形式对教师和学校发展的促进作用,基于80个实践共同体项目335名教师进行问卷调查,通过探索性因子分析(EFA)和结构方程模型(SEM)验证了实践共同体评价的理论模型及其因素关系,对实践共同体评价的“信息化支撑”“教学应用”“实践共同体发展”三个类别共24个因素开展因子探索,根据数据分析形成了实践共同体评价模型,提出了实践共同体促进个体发展的“双维张力”机制、实践共同体促进群体发展的“差异互动”机制和实践共同体本身实现发展的“无边界发展”机制,验证了实践共同体发展的影响因素,建构了实践共同体评价模型,提出实践共同体中个体与群体的交流互动机制,该研究不仅有利于实践共同体项目的推动,同时为基于网络环境的跨区域组织协同与教师专业发展的相关理论提供了借鉴。
英文摘要 Communities of Practice is an effective way to promote professional development of teacher and to develop all kinds of schools. In order to research the role of Communities of practice in promoting the development of teachers and schools, the 335 teachers from 80 projects were investigated by questionnaire. The theoretical model of Communities of Practice evaluation and its factor relationship were verified by Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Structural Equation Model (SEM). There are 24 factors in the three categories of evaluation be provide: information support, teaching application, and practice community development. According to the data analysis, the evaluation model of Communities of Practice is formed. The “two dimensional tension” mechanism, and the “difference interaction” mechanism are put forward. This study verified the influencing factors of the development of Communities of Practice, and puts forward the interaction mechanism between individuals and groups in practice community, which is not only conducive to the promotion of practice community projects, but also provides a reference for the theory of cross regional organization coordination and teacher professional development based on the network environment.
頁次 101-110
關鍵詞 教师专业发展 实践共同体 信息化教学应用 发展机制 teachers’ professional development communities of practice ICT teaching process developing mechanism CSSCI
卷期 400
日期 202005
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社