

篇名 “五育融合”与中国基础教育生态重建
並列篇名 “Five Education Integration” and Ecological Reconstruction of China’s Basic Education
作者 宁本涛(Ning Bentao)
中文摘要 “五育”并举,融合育人,是新时代基础教育育人方式转型提出的重大命题。“五育”本来是一体的,但在当下中小学教育内外生态中,“五育”常常被分隔,“五育”过程条块分割,进而导致办学目标远离育人初衷。究其主要原因在于智育独大教育评价观,工具化和短视化人才观以及教师综合素养相对不足等。“五育”从分裂走向融合,应从树立“五育融合”观入手,多元协同家庭、学校、社会的教育生态合力,聚焦共生型和多元化的课程生态、教学生态、资源协同生态、教育评价生态以及教育治理生态重建等举措。
英文摘要 Simultaneous “five education” and integrated education are major propositions proposed in the transformation of basic education in the new era. The “five education” was originally integrated, but in the current ecology of primary and secondary the “five education” is often separated, the “five educations” process “boxed” conditions, and then led to school running The goal is far from the original intention of educating people. The main reasons for this are the educational evaluation view of intellectual education, the talented view of instrumentalization and short-sightedness, and the relative lack of comprehensive literacy of teachers. “Five education” from split to integration, we should start with the concept of “five education integration”, diversify and synergize the educational ecology of families, schools, and society, focusing on symbiotic and diversified curriculum ecology, teaching ecology, resource coordination ecology, and education evaluation. Ecological and educational governance and ecological reconstruction.
頁次 001-005
關鍵詞 “五育融合” 智育独大 全面发展 教育生态重建 “Five Education Integration” intellectual education is unique comprehensive development educational ecological reconstruction CSSCI
卷期 400
日期 202005
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社