

篇名 Pädagogik学科辨析
並列篇名 The Discipline of “Pädagogik”: The Fifth Discussion of Pedagogy
作者 陈桂生(CHEN Gui-sheng)
中文摘要 德语Pädagogik,中文译为教育学,并泛指西方教育学。在新旧时代交汇之际,有感于我国教育事业落后于时代,遂发生长达百年的西学东渐过程。Pädagogik究竟是什么学科,其中讲的什么学问,只能就其研究的对象做出判断。问题在于Pädagogik本身先天不足,其建构过程又非一帆风顺,研究对象亦多有变化。为此,把教育之学连同Pädagogik放在人类教育历史视野中审视,探询教育学的学科性质,教育基础理论与教育实践理论的分化,或有助对我国教育文化历史的再认识,并端正教育学西学东渐中应有的态度。
英文摘要 The German word “Pädagogik” can be translated into “Pedagogy”, which generally refers to western pedagogy. On the intersection of old and new eras, the development of pedagogy in China was found lagging behind, which promoted the centenary process of introducing the western learning. What exactly matters is what kind of discipline “Pädagogik” is and what it is about, and these questions can be answered only by looking at what they are studying. The problems are that Pädagogik itself was inherently deficient; its construction process was not smooth; and the research topics varied. Therefore, this paper attempts to inspect the study of education as well as Pädagogik from the historical perspective of human education, which is helpful to re-understand our educational culture and history, and correct the attitude towards eastward spread of western culture.
頁次 003-006
關鍵詞 Pädagogik 西方教育学 西学东渐 人类教育历史的视野 western pedagogy eastward spread of western culture the historical perspective of human education CSSCI
卷期 15:6
日期 201912
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2019.06.001