

篇名 国外校长继任研究:多维透视.热点分析.未来思考
並列篇名 Research on Foreign Principal Succession: Multi-dimensional Perspectives, Hotspot Analysis, Future Thinking
作者 毛菊(MAO Ju) 、李曾(LI Zeng)
中文摘要 回顾与反思20世纪70年代起的校长继任研究,能为更好地服务校长继任实践指明方向。校长继任研究经历了理论迁移的初探期、外力推动的升温期、实践需求的探索期,纵观研究整体还缺乏系统性和深入性。在这三个发展阶段,研究重点讨论了校长继任过程论、校长继任模型、校长继任社会化、继任校长的影响等话题。通过系统分析与全面反思,概括出未来校长继任研究应加强研究的教育学学科属性;加强校长继任中轮岗政策研究;加强继任校长与学校匹配研究;加强校长继任过程的“网络关系”研究。从而在优化资源配置的过程中,提升继任校长水平,提高学校领导质量。
英文摘要 In recent years, problems in principal succession happen frequently. Reviewing and reflecting on the research on principal succession since the 1970s can direct the way for better practice of principal succession. The research on principal succession has gone through three stages: the beginning period of theoretical transfer, the development period promoted by external force, and the exploration period of practical demand. However, the overall research is still lack of systematization and in-depth. The research on principal succession focuses on the following topics during the three stages: the process of principal succession, the models of principal succession, the socialization of principal succession, and the influence of successor principals. Through systematic analysis and reflection, this paper advocates to strengthen the pedagogical disciplines of the principal succession, the rotational policy in the principal succession, the match between successor principals and the schools, and the "network relationship" in the principal succession process. Therefore, by optimizing the allocation of resources can improve successor principals' level and the quality of school leadership..
頁次 069-075
關鍵詞 学校管理 国外校长研究 校长继任 school management foreign principal research principal succession CSSCI
卷期 42:9
日期 202009
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所