

篇名 克伯屈对蒙台梭利教育的考察:背景与主旨
並列篇名 The Background and Key Findings of Kilpatrick’s Examination of Montessori Education
作者 丁道勇(DING Dao-yong)
中文摘要 克伯屈在访问蒙台梭利并参观了罗马的“儿童之家”以后,成为蒙台梭利教育的重要批评者,助推了蒙氏教育在美国的衰落。克伯屈对于蒙氏教育的主要判断,记录在《蒙台梭利教育考察报告》这本书当中。通过对杜威和蒙台梭利的比较,克伯屈发现二者都重视科学、重视儿童自由,但是二者对于动手操作、儿童自由以及感官训练的看法存在重大分歧。与杜威的教育主张相比,蒙台梭利的教育主张更为落后。杜威、蒙台梭利都对二十世纪的教育理论与实践产生了重大影响,并且他们的影响一直绵延至今。克伯屈对于蒙氏教育的考察,在一定程度上澄清了蒙氏教育的得失。
英文摘要 After visiting Montessoti and the Children’s House in Rome, Kilpatrick became a leading critic of Montessoti Education, helping to drive its decline in the United States. His key findings on Montessori Education were recorded in the book of the Montessori System Examined. By comparing Dewey and Montessori, Kilpatrick found that although both of schools value science and children' freedom, there are still a few irreconcilable differences between them, such as the idea of manual operation, children’s freedom and sense training. Montessoti’s pedagogy is more backward when compare with Dewey. Dewey, Montessoti and Kilpatrick had a significant impact on the theory and practice of education in the twentieth century, and their influence have been extended to this day. Kilpatrick’s work clarifies the gains and losses of Montessoti Education to a certain extent.
頁次 108-116
關鍵詞 克伯屈 蒙台梭利 杜威 《蒙台梭利教育考察报告》 Kilpatrick Montessoti Dewey The Montessoti System Examined CSSCI
卷期 15:6
日期 201912
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2019.06.013