

篇名 原住民文化融入數學課程的發展:以一所實驗小學為例
並列篇名 The Development of Integrating Indigenous Culture into Mathematics Curriculum in an Experimental Elementary School
作者 徐偉民(Wei-Min Hsu)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討小學教師和數學師培者共同發展和實施原住民文化融入的數學課程。學校教師意圖發展與實施文化融入的數學課程,來提升學生對原住民文化的理解及數學學習的表現。本研究採個案研究,以實驗小學教師和研究者組成的共學探究社群為對象,先探討社群成員課程發展的歷程與焦點,再了解教師課程使用的情形。結果顯示在課程分析與設計時,教師關注問題的情境與表徵,意圖讓學生對問題的呈現感到熟悉且容易理解,並逐漸從學生的觀點來思考課程設計與數學的教與學;在課程實施時,教師幾乎完全使用設計的課程內容,使用後的反思與修正大都聚焦在表徵的合適性上。本研究發展文化融入數學課程時採用的分析、設計、實施、評鑑和修正的歷程,可作為實驗學校課程發展時的參考。
英文摘要 This study aimed to investigate the development and implementation of integrating indigenous culture into mathematics curriculum through school teachers working with a mathematics educator. The school teachers intended to integrate indigenous culture into mathematics curriculum design to improve the students’ understanding on indigenous culture and mathematics performance. The case study method was employed and the members of Co-Learning Inquiry Community (CLIC) which constituted by the researcher and school teachers were the participants. The results indicated that the teachers concerned on the presentation of problems which included cultural scenario and representations when they analyzed and designed the curriculum. They intended to help the students to be familiar with and to understand the presentation of problems easily. Moreover, the teachers gradually thought about curriculum design, mathematics teaching and learning from the students’ perspectives. In the curriculum implementation, the teachers almost followed the contents of designed curriculum. After the implementation, the focus of discussion and reflection was on the appropriation of problem representations. The curriculum developmental processes which this study adopted included analysis, design, implementation, evaluation, and revision could be as the reference for other experimental schools on curriculum development.
頁次 077-116
關鍵詞 文化融入數學課程 共學探究 原住民學生 實驗小學 課程發展 culture-integrated mathematics curriculum co-learning inquiry indigenous students experimental elementary school curriculum development TSSCI
卷期 65:4
日期 201912
刊名 教育研究集刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.3966/102887082019126504003