

篇名 后疫情时期重构教育新常态
並列篇名 Reconstructing the New Normal of Education in the Post-epidemic Period
作者 冯建军(Feng Jianjun)
中文摘要 一场疫情,既是灾难,又是机遇,它改变了教育的常态。后疫情时期,我们需要在反思疫情之前的“常态”和疫情中的“非常态”基础上,全面地重构后疫情时期教育的“新常态”。在教育目标上,改变过去只注重知识、只关注认知的学习,不仅要学会认知,而且要学会做事、学会共同生活和学会生存;在教育内容上,从只关注学科知识,转变为关注生活知识,尤其是关注直接和间接保全自己生命的生活知识;在教育形态上,改变单一的学校教育,重视非学校教育的因素,从学校化社会逐步走向学习化社会;在学校组织形式上,改变学校间封闭的、孤立的状态,建立学校间的虚拟联合体,共同开发、汇聚、享用教育资源,共同探讨、交流和研究教育教学问题;在教学方式上,既要看到线上教学的便利,又要看到线下教学的不可替代性,逐步推进建立线下线上混合、融合的教学模式。
英文摘要 an epidemic is both a disaster and an opportunity, which has changed the normal state of education. In the post-epidemic period, we need to comprehensively reconstruct the “new normal” of education in the post-epidemic period based on the reflection of the “normal” before the epidemic and the “unusual state” in the epidemic. In terms of educational goals, change the past that only focused on knowledge and only on cognition, we should not only learn cognition, but also learn to do things, live together and survive; in terms of education content, it has changed from focusing only on subject knowledge to focusing on life knowledge, especially on life knowledge which directly and indirectly saves one’s life; in the form of education, we should change the single school education, pay attention to the factors of non-school education, and gradually move from a school-based society to a learning-oriented society; in the form of school organization, it is necessary to change the closed and isolated organizational form between schools, establish virtual consortia between schools, jointly develop, gather and enjoy educational resources, and jointly discuss, exchange and study education and teaching problems; in terms of teaching methods, we should not only see the convenience of online teaching, but also see the irreplaceability of face-to-face offline teaching, and gradually promote the establishment of offline and online mixed and integrated teaching modes.
頁次 001-006
關鍵詞 后疫情时期 教育 新常态 post-epidemic period education new normal CSSCI
卷期 404
日期 202009
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社