

篇名 想像的「西方」:1960~1970年代西洋劇本的翻印與翻譯
並列篇名 The Imaginary“West”: Reprinting and Translation of Western Scripts in the 1960-1970s
作者 羅揚(Lo, Yang)
中文摘要 本文主要以臺灣在1960年代的「復興崗翻譯叢書」與1970年代的「淡江西洋現代戲劇譯叢」為研究議題,這兩套翻譯叢書皆是由大專校院所主導的翻印/翻譯計畫,在臺灣戲劇翻譯史上可謂絕無僅有,它既代表著一段隱晦的翻譯史,同時也反映著戲劇文學的變動與成長,它更填補了彼時臺灣對於西洋戲劇文學認知與學習的真空狀態。當我們細究此一時期的戲劇發展,西洋劇本的譯介雖然在商業劇場的演出中未能造成迴響,但卻在校園的劇場與課堂上默默地影響著無數的青年學子。此外,唯有透過西洋翻譯劇本的譯介,劇作家才有得以模仿與學習的對象。當劇作家積累足夠的養分後,才能發展出屬於臺灣的現代戲劇。因此,這不僅說明了翻譯與創作間承繼及影響的可能,也反映著西方戲劇思潮與臺灣戲劇發展交會的痕跡。本文透過戲劇史的視角重新理解這兩套翻譯叢書,瞭解它發展的成因及其可能的影響,並對它們的不足與侷限賦予寬容的理解。它拓展了彼時戲劇愛好者的視野—儘管是被選擇的、被侷限的,也讓彼時的臺灣在現代戲劇思潮的衝擊與碰撞下,得以緩步地成長與茁壯。這兩套翻譯叢書的時代意義不僅止於戲劇文學的強行輸入而已,它更是往後臺灣戲劇發展的鋪墊與基石。
英文摘要 This study focuses on the “Fuxinggang Translation Series” from the 1960s and the “Tamkang Western Modern Drama Translation Series” from the 1970s in Taiwan. Both series were reprinting/translation projects organised by universities and colleges, and are unique in the history of Taiwanese drama translation. They not only represent a little known? episode in the history of translation, but also reflect the changes and growth of Taiwanese drama. They filled a void in Taiwanese knowledge and study of Western drama at that time. When we probe into the development of drama in this period, we can see that although these translations of Western scripts failed to resonate in commercial theater performances, they silently influenced countless young students in campus theaters and classrooms. In addition, only through the translation of Western scripts could playwrights discover works they could imitate and learn from. Once playwrights had accumulated enough experience, of such works, they could develop their own, Taiwanese forms of modern drama. Therefore, these translation series not only explain how translations can inspire new kinds of creativity, but also reflect the intersection of Western drama and the development of Taiwanese drama. This study involves a fresh investigation these two translation series from the perspective of drama history, seeking to understand the reasons for their development and their possible impact, while making allowances for their deficiencies and limitations. They expanded the horizons of drama enthusiasts at that time – although the works were selected and limited – and allowed Taiwan to gradually grow and thrive under the influence and impact of modern dramatic ideas . The significance of these two translation series is not limited to the forcible input of drama at the time. They were also the foundation and cornerstone of the subsequent development of Taiwanese drama.
頁次 107-152
關鍵詞 李曼瑰 淡江西洋現代戲劇譯叢 復興崗翻譯叢書 臺灣現代戲劇 顏元叔 Li Man-kuei Tamkang Western Modern Drama Translation Series Fuxinggang Translation Series Taiwanese Modern Drama Yen Yuan-shu
卷期 41
日期 202107
刊名 藝術評論
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學
DOI 10.3966/101562402021070041003