篇名 我国教育和人力资源的国际方位与强国建设的现实路径
並列篇名 The International Orientation of China's Education and Human Resources and the Realistic Path to Building Powerful Nation of Education
作者 胡卫(Hu Wei) 、杜瑛(Du Ying)
中文摘要 高素质人力资源的供给能力是支撑教育强国建设的关键,我国在人口平均受教育年限、百万人口中高等教育在校生数、研究生规模占比及培养模式等方面还有明显短板,面对支撑服务中国式现代化建设的新任务,教育强国建设亟需适应人口和经济发展特点与趋势,多路径扩大优质高等教育和职业教育资源;以改革评价制度为突破口,建立拔尖创新人才培养的全链条培养机制;以理工科人才培养为依托,构建有组织的科教融汇、产教融合、校企协同的产学研联盟新机制,引领我国急需紧缺人才自主培养新范式;加大人力资本投入,提升与教育强国建设相适应的各级教育生均经费支出水平;有效利用世界一流教育资源和创新要素,提升教育合作能级与国际影响力。
英文摘要 The supply capacity of high-quality human resources is the key to supporting the construction of Powerful Nation of Education. China has obvious weaknesses in terms of the average number of years of schooling of the population, the number of students in higher education in one million people, the proportion of graduate students and the cultivation model. Facing the new task of supporting the construction of Chinese path to modernization, the construction of Powerful Nation of Education urgently needs to adapt to the characteristics and trends of population and economic development, and it's important to expand high-quality higher education and vocational education resources through multiple paths.Taking the reform and evaluation system as a breakthrough, we can establish a full chain training mechanism for cultivating top-notch innovative talents. Based on the cultivation of science and engineering talents, we will build a new mechanism of organized industry-university-research alliance that integrates science and education, industry education, and school enterprise collaboration, leading a new paradigm of self cultivation of urgently-needed talents in China. Besides, we will increase investment in human capital and enhance the average funding allocation level for education students at all levels that is compatible with the construction of an educational powerhouse; and effectively utilize world-class educational resources and innovative elements to enhance the level of educational cooperation and international influence.
頁次 001-008
關鍵詞 人力资源 教育强国 现实路径 human resources powerful nation of education realistic path CSSCI
卷期 42:6
日期 202406
刊名 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.16382/j.cnki.1000-5560.2024.06.001