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篇名 高中生遠見力之初探
並列篇名 A Preliminary Study on the Foresight of High School Students
作者 李佳芬(Chiao-Feng Lee)
中文摘要 高中生正值自我認同建構及未來規劃的階段,面臨多變的社會環境,需要具備良好的遠見力來做出明智的決策。本研究由目標設定、職業規劃、創新思維、預測能力、自信與抉擇,以及參與度和積極性等方面來定義遠見力,採量化調查法,針對臺灣高中生進行問卷調查。研究結果發現,高中生在上述各方面皆呈現積極態度,但不同性別有顯著差異,即男生之目標設定、職業規劃、創新思維和預測能力優於女生。而隨著年級增長,學生的職業發展意識和能力也隨之增強。據此,本研究提出以下建議:一、政策面:教育政策和生涯輔導策略應考慮這些差異,特別是針對女生的支持協助;二、學校面:應加強職業規劃教育,提升學生的預測能力和自信心;三、家庭面:應提供情感和心理支持,共同促進學生的成長和生涯發展;四、社會面:需營造良好環境,鼓勵青少年追求夢想和實現自我價值。
英文摘要 High school students are in the stage of self-identity construction and future planning. To face a changing social environment, they must have good foresight to make wise decisions. Foresight includes goal setting, career planning, creative thinking, ability to predict, self-confidence, decision-making, participation, and motivation. A survey was used for senior high school students in Taiwan. The result shows that high school students have positive attitudes in the above aspects, but there are significant differences between genders. Male students are better than female students in goal setting, career planning, innovative thinking, and ability to predict. In addition, as grades increase, students’ awareness and abilities for career development also increase. Educational policies and career guidance strategies should take these differences into account, especially when it comes to support for female students. Schools should strengthen career planning education to improve students’ predictive abilities and self-confidence. At the same time, families should provide emotional and psychological support to promote students’ growth and career development jointly, and society needs to create an excellent environment to encourage young people to pursue their dreams and realize their self-worth.
頁次 088-112
關鍵詞 生涯發展 高中生 遠見力 career development high school student foresight
卷期 364
日期 202408
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602024080364006