

篇名 對多元成家態度的影響因子
並列篇名 The Impact Factors of Attitudes toward Diverse Family Formation
作者 黃軍義(Jiun-Yih Huang) 、鄭汶忠(Wun-Jhong Jheng)
中文摘要 多元成家是近期台灣相當受到重視與討論的議題。本研究探討影響多元成家態度的社會心理因子,以明瞭民眾對多元成家態度是否受到對同性戀的態度、性別偏見、與年齡、性別、接觸同性戀媒體、具有同性的親友等變項的影響。本研究以無記名自陳式網路問卷蒐集資料,對居住於台灣且年滿18歲以上的民眾進行調查,共計有1,224位民眾填答問卷。結果發現:對同性戀的態度、性別偏見、年齡、生理性別、具有同性戀的親友、接觸同性戀媒體等社會心理因子,皆可預測參與者對多元成家的態度,然而其中以對同性戀的態度影響最為顯著,可解釋對多元成家態度大部分的變異量。文未就研究結果的理論意涵、實務應用、研究限制與未來研究方向進行討論。
英文摘要 Diverse family formation has been an issue of concern by Taiwanese in recent years. The aim of this study was to determine whether people’s attitude regarding the draft legislation of diverse family formation is connected to their attitudes towards homosexuality, gender-bias, and background variables such as age, sex, homosexual family members or friends, and frequency of contact with homosexual media. In this study, an anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted in Taiwan mainly targeting people aged 18 or above. The respondents answered the questionnaire online, and a total of 1,224 valid samples were collected. The results showed that attitudes towards homosexuality, gender-bias, and background variables are all predictors of attitude toward diverse family formation. Attitude towards homosexuality was the strongest predictor, accounting for most variances of attitude towards diverse family formation. Finally, the theoretical implications of research results, practical applications, research limitations, and directions of future study were discussed.
頁次 001-022
關鍵詞 多元成家 同性婚姻 同性戀 性別偏見 網路調查 diverse family formation same-sex marriage homosexuality gender-bias internet survey
卷期 27:1
日期 202105
刊名 台灣性學學刊
出版單位 台灣性教育學會
DOI 10.3966/160857872021052701001