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篇名 高等教育學術人才性別圖像分析與前瞻因應策略
並列篇名 Analysis of Gender Presentation Among Academic Talents in Higher Education and Prospective Strategies
作者 劉秀曦(Hsiu-Hsi Liu)
中文摘要 臺灣自2000年以後開始積極推動性別主流化,並於2004年公布《性別平等教育法》。值此辦法公布屆滿20週年之際,實有必要針對性別隔離與性別平等理念落實現況進行檢視,並提出因應之道。本文首先運用教育部統計處「性別統計專區」所公布的數據資料進行分析,發現國內不同學門領域女性專任教師人數占比仍有明顯差距;另,女性校長人數占比歷年來雖逐步提升,但離30%臨界規模仍有很大的努力空間。其次,本文透過對美國「國家科學基金會」(National Science Foundation, NSF)大型補助計畫—「ADVANCE」前瞻因應策略之介紹,掌握落實性別平等理念的國際發展趨勢。最後綜整前述研究發現,分別針對政府與大學提出具體建議,期能藉此作為完善我國相關政策方案之參考。
英文摘要 Since 2000, the Taiwanese government has actively promoted gender mainstreaming, culminating in the promulgation of the Gender Equality Education Act in 2004. As the 20th anniversary of this act approaches, it is necessary to review the current implementation of gender segregation and gender equality concepts and propose countermeasures. This document analyzes data from the Ministry of Education’s Gender Statistics Section, revealing significant disparities in the proportion of female full-time teachers across different academic fields. Additionally, although the proportion of female principals has gradually increased over the years, it still falls short of the critical 30% threshold. The document also introduces the forward-looking strategies of the U.S. National Science Foundation’s large-scale grant program, “ADVANCE,” to understand international trends in implementing gender equality concepts. Finally, it consolidates the findings and provides specific recommendations for the government and universities, hoping to serve as a reference for improving relevant policies in Taiwan.
頁次 069-087
關鍵詞 性別刻板印象 性別隔離 高等教育 gender stereotypes gender segregation higher education
卷期 364
日期 202408
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.53106/168063602024080364005