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篇名 人工智能“智化”教育的内涵、途径和策略——人工智能何以让教育变得更聪明
並列篇名 The Connotation, Approach and Strategy of “Cognifying” Education in Artificial Intelligence — How AI Makes Education Smarter
作者 杨欣(Yang Xin)
中文摘要 人工智能作为在某些方面比人类更聪明的存在,除了赋能教育使其更有效率和质量,也会通过智化让教育变得更聪明。人工智能智化教育的内涵是以人工智能为镜,反思现有教育的“迟钝之处”,使之变得更聪明,即重构教育的意义、丰富教育的想象、促进教育的创新。同时,从已有经验和预测来看,人工智能智化教育有四种途径,即替代、补充、生成、迭代。当下,人工智能智化教育的策略有:(1)智化教育实验,创建“人机一体”的解释机制;(2)智化教育思维,建构超越人类原始思维的全新教育思维;(3)智化教育内容,重构知识秩序。
英文摘要 Artificial Intelligence exists in some ways to be smarter than human beings, not only to empower education to make it more efficient and quality, but also to make education smarter through cognifying. The connotation of Artificial Intelligence education is to take Artificial Intelligence as a mirror and reflect on the “Dullness” of existing education so as to make it more intelligent, that is, to reconstruct the meaning of education, to enrich the imagination of education and to promote the innovation of education. At the same time, there are four ways of Artificial Intelligence making education smarter through cognifying, that is: substitution, supplement, generation and iteration. Currently, the strategies of Artificial Intelligence make education smarter through cognifying: (1)the experiment of Artificial Intelligence education, creating the interpretation mechanism of “man-machine integration”; (2) the thinking of Artificial Intelligence education, constructing the new educational thinking that transcends the primitive thinking of human beings; (3)the content of Artificial Intelligence education, reconstructing the order of knowledge.
頁次 025-031
關鍵詞 人工智能 智化 价值 聪明 Artificial Intelligence Cognifying Value Smarter CSSCI
卷期 398
日期 202003
刊名 中國電化教育
出版單位 中國電化教育雜誌社