

篇名 走入摩登:上海都市現代性與滬劇的生成與發展:以1941年上海滬劇社的《魂斷藍橋》演出為例
並列篇名 Stepping into Modernity: Shanghai Urban Modernity and the Emergence and Development of Huju Opera - taking the performance of “Waterloo Bridge” by Shanghai Huju Opera Troupe in 1941 as an example
作者 洪唯薇(Hong, Weiwei)
中文摘要 滬劇作為上海的地方戲,起源於上海城郊的民謠小曲,由早期的「花鼓戲」發展而來。在劇種的形成至成熟過程中,劇種命名經歷了從「本灘」到「申曲」至「滬劇」的變遷過程,這亦為彼時上海都市社會文化變遷的反映。1941年由上海滬劇社首演的《魂斷藍橋》不啻為劇種發展的關鍵點。滬劇《魂斷藍橋》的公演首次提出了「滬劇」一詞,並開啟了電影話劇界與申曲界的頻繁交流。該劇演出取得了市場的成功,並從此引領了其他劇團引入劇本制的編排方式,將西裝旗袍戲的劇目類型推向高峰,啟動並培養了一種新型的消費模式和審美觀念。自《魂斷藍橋》開始,滬劇從此更深刻地走入摩登,並在形塑劇種自身品格之餘,在城市空間中發揮了它的作用。縱觀滬劇發展歷史,此次《魂斷藍橋》的演出可被視為是近代滬劇發展的重要關鍵點,滬劇完成了由「曲」到「劇」的品格轉變,標誌著劇種發展的趨向成熟。本文以上海滬劇社1941年首演的《魂斷藍橋》為研究對象,擬用文獻分析法從都市現代性的角度探析由申曲至滬劇更名的文化意義,並從劇種的更名看近代上海都市的現代性議題,試圖闡述其歷史必然性。
英文摘要 Huju opera is a local opera from Shanghai, originating in the folk songs of the city’s suburbs and developing from the earlier “flower-drum opera”. The names of Huju opera changed from “Bentan” to “Shenqu” and then to “Huju Opera”, reflecting social and cultural changes in the city of Shanghai at that time. The performance of the first piece, “Waterloo Bridge”, by the Shanghai Huju Opera Troupe in 1941 was a key point in the development of Shanghai Opera. This performance led to the first use of the term “Huju Opera”, and initiated frequent exchanges between the worlds of film, drama and Huju opera. The play was a great success, and led other troupes to adopt a similar script-based approach, pushing the repertoire of Western-style Qipao opera to a new high, and initiating new consumption patterns and aesthetic tastes. After “Waterloo Bridge”, Huju opera became more modern, shaping its own character as well as playing a role in the urban space. The performance of “Waterloo Bridge” can be considered a milestone in the history and development of modern Huju opera, embodying a transformation from “singing songs” to “playing drama” and symbolizing its age of maturity. This paper takes the Shanghai Huju Opera Troupe’s first performance of “Waterloo Bridge” in 1941 as the focus of study. Using literary analysis to explore the cultural significance of the name change from Shenqu to Huju opera from the perspective of urban modernity, it also explores the modernity of modern Shanghai through the frequent changes of name, and attempts to explain its historical significance.
頁次 173-212
關鍵詞 申曲 滬劇 孤島時期 上海滬劇社 《魂斷藍橋》 Shenqu Huju opera Shanghai Huju opera Troupe Shanghai Island Period “Waterloo Bridge”
卷期 40
日期 202101
刊名 藝術評論
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學
DOI 10.3966/101562402021010040005