

篇名 翻轉教室模式下同儕教導對高職生電腦軟體應用技能之學習態度及學習成就影響
並列篇名 The Influence of Peer Tutoring on Learners’ Learning Attitudes and Achievements from Computer Software Skill Training in Flipped Classrooms Conducted in a Vocational High School
作者 賴阿福(Ah-Fur Lai) 、鄭益華(I-Hua Cheng)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討,在翻轉教室模式下同儕教導策略對高職生電腦軟體應用技能學習之學習態度及學習成就的影響。研究方式採準實驗研究法,以北部地區一所公立職校資處科三年級二個班學生為研究對象,隨機指派一班為實驗組(n=31),另一班為控制組(n=31)。實驗組在電腦軟體操作課程中實施翻轉教室結合同儕教導教學法,而控制組則單純施以翻轉教室教學法。兩組學生同時進行10週(共30堂課)的教學實驗,在實驗前、後對學生進行「電腦軟體應用學習態度量表」、「電腦軟體應用技能學習成就實作測驗」施測。結果顯示:翻轉教室模式能同時提升實驗組和控制組之學習態度及學習成就;但翻轉教室結合同儕教導策略,對於學生電腦軟體應用技能學習態度及學習成就更有顯著效果,尤其在「學習習慣」、「同儕關係」等向度學習態度,以及「試算表」、「文書排版」等實作技能。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of flipped classroom model combined with peer tutoring strategy on learners’ learning attitudes and achievements from computer software application classes in a vocational high school. The research adopted the quasi-experimental research method. The 12th graders were randomly selected as the experimental group (n=31) and the control group (n=31). The experimental group applied with the flipped classroom model with the peer tutoring strategy in the practical operating curriculum of computer software operation, while the control group accepted only the flipped classroom model. The research time span lasted for 10 weeks (30 lessons). Before and after the experiment, the participants were requested to fill in the learning attitude questionnaire, and took the practical skill test of computer software like MS-Word, MS-Excel, and MS-Access. The results revealed that the learning attitudes and achievements were significantly enhanced for both groups. In addition, students in the experimental group showed that they can improve their computer software skills learning attitudes and achievements more effectively and efficiently than the control group, especially in terms of “learning habits” and “peer relationship,” as well as their practical skills application of “MS-word” and “MS-Excel.”
頁次 089-126
關鍵詞 電腦軟體應用技能 同儕教導 翻轉教室 學習態度 學習成就 computer software application skill peer tutoring flipped classroom learning attitudes learning achievement TSSCI
卷期 23:4
日期 202010
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202010_23(4).0004