

篇名 不同類型暑假活動對學習成長之潛在影響-TEPS之縱貫資料分析
並列篇名 A Longitudinal Study on Summer Activities of TEPS Dataset
作者 余民寧(Min-Ning Yu) 、薛智暉(Chih-Hui Seet)
中文摘要 每學年的暑假看似短暫,但學生從國中到高中階段會經歷六次之多,期間會因為夏季學習失落而導致潛藏的馬太效應現象發生,因此,針對這段期間學生投入何種暑假活動,以瞭解馬太效應對其造成何種學習成長的影響,實為刻不容緩的研究。本研究透過長期追蹤資料庫(TEPS)中的2,868名學生樣本,針對其暑假中參與三類不同活動的頻率變項,進行多變量潛在成長模型分析。研究結果顯示,學生暑假期間進行課業輔導活動僅能在期初階段對綜合分析能力的起點具有促進作用,但長期下來的幫助並不大;上網或打電動遊戲經常超過2小時的活動,只會在早期階段對學生的綜合分析能力起點產生影響,但後期對綜合分析能力之成長幅度的影響關聯性不大;而暑假期間從事閱讀課外書籍的頻率,在剛開始的起點以及後續的成長幅度方面,都能對綜合分析能力的起點與成長幅度產生正向的助長效用;在前述三種暑假活動下,學生綜合分析能力係呈現正向直線成長的,但是起點越佳者,其後續的成長幅度卻越小。根據上述研究結果,本文提出結論與相關建議供參考。
英文摘要 The summer vacation of each academic year seems to be very short, but students will experience at least up to six times in school. During this period, some students are often found in the summer learning loss, thus this hidden phenomenon caused the Matthew effect. This study, under the afore mentioned background, is trying to investigate what activities student engaged within summer time slot will affect them. Through the 2,868 samples taken from the long-term tracking database “Taiwan Education Panel Survey” (TEPS), a multivariate latent growth model of structural equation model (SEM) was conducted based on the frequency of the three types of activities carried out during students’ summer vacation. The results showed a pity helpful on the students' earlier stage comprehensive analytical ability by tutoring, but no effect was shown from the long-term tutoring. Besides, often playing games or access internet more than 2 hours would also only impact on students’ earlier comprehensive analytical ability, there was no direct relationship enduring for such behaviours. Among these activities, it was found that the frequency of reading extracurricular books had perennial benefit on their starting point and slope of growth. While the better academic performance on the starting point, the slower growth rate was shown. Based on the above research results, some conclusions and related recommendations were proposed for reference.
頁次 001-023
關鍵詞 馬太效應 夏季學習失落 暑假活動 綜合分析能力 多變量潛在成長模型 Matthew effect summer learning loss summer activities comprehensive analytical ability multivariate latent growth model
卷期 51
日期 202112
刊名 高雄師大學報:教育與社會科學類
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學