

篇名 论循证课例研究的实践:教师教育的新取向
並列篇名 On the Evidence-based Lesson Study: New Paradigm of Teacher Education
作者 袁丽(YUAN Li) 、胡艺曦(HU Yi-xi) 、王照萱(WANG Zhao-xuan) 、陈彬莉(CHEN Bin-li)
中文摘要 在我国基础教育课例研究缺乏问题意识、主观随意性明显、教师主体作用难以发挥的发展瓶颈之下,由于循证实践的理念同课例研究有着逻辑一致的价值导向和特性一致的实践主体,从而使循证实践应用于改善课例研究成为可能。本研究借助于循证医学临床实践的理念建构包括提出问题、查找证据、评价证据、恰当应用、后效评价的5A课例研究改善的可能范式,并对作为教师教育新范式的循证课例研究的发展提出完善和细化操作流程、开展行动研究、在教师教育体系中构建基于循证的课例研究推进系统等建议。
英文摘要 In China’s primary education, lesson study is confronted with a bottleneck, ie. the deficiency of question consciousness, subjective and random, and the lack of teachers' leading role. Because the idea of evidence-based practice and lesson study has the logically consistent value orientation and identical characteristics of practical subject, it is possible to apply evidence-based practice to lesson study’s improvement. Based on evidence-based medicine in clinical practice, this study constructs a possible paradigm of 5 A to improve lesson study, including asking, accessing, appraising, applying and assessing. The paper also provides suggestions to promote the development of lesson study: improve and refine the operational procedures, conduct action research, and build evidence-based lesson studies in teacher education system.
頁次 017-023
關鍵詞 课例研究 循证课例研究 教师教育 lesson study evidence-based lesson study teacher education CSSCI
卷期 32:4
日期 202007
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心