

篇名 师范生眼中的“好班主任”具象研究——基于教育自传的文本分析
並列篇名 A Study on ‘Good Head Teacher’ from the Perspective of Normal University Students - Based on Text Analysis of Educational Autobiography
作者 于川(YU Chuan) 、窦迎春(DOU Ying-chun) 、霍国强(HUO Guo-qiang)
中文摘要 研究以H大学66份师范生的教育自传展开分析,探究师范生心目中“好班主任”的形象特点,归纳出四种类型的班主任:严师型、引导型、挚友型和慈母型。师范生对班主任形象特点的定位往往来自某些关键事件,如合理处理“早恋”事件、平等对待后进生、对学生的学习压力进行疏导、适当的鼓励与赞赏等,一系列关键事件都反映着师范生对“好班主任”的定位,并对他们日后从事教育事业有着重要意义。师范生时代班主任的管理模式与教育方法或多或少影响着他们的教育信念。此外,研究发现,师范生写教育自传可以帮助其更顺利地完成由学生向教师角色的转化,有利于日后成为一名优秀的教育者。
英文摘要 The study analyzed 66 normal university students’ educational autobiographies in H University, aiming to explore the image characteristics of ‘good head teacher’ in normal students’ minds. Four types of head teachers are summarized: strict type, guiding type, friend type and kind mother type. The head teachers’ image characteristics positioned by normal university students often come from certain key events, such as dealing with students who falling in love reasonably, treating struggling students equally, counseling students’ academic press, showing appropriate encouragement and appreciation, etc. A series of key events reflect normal university students’ position for ‘good head teachers’, which is of great significance to their future educational career. During normal university students’ student period, the management models and educational methods used by their head teachers influence their educational beliefs more or less. In addition, the study finds that writing educational autobiography can help them complete the transition from students to the role of teachers more smoothly, which is beneficial to be an excellent educator in the future.
頁次 122-128
關鍵詞 师范生 班主任 形象 normal university students head teacher image CSSCI
卷期 32:4
日期 202007
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心