

篇名 大學零學分制度的批判與反思
並列篇名 A Critique of Universities’ Zero-Credit Course System
作者 林昆翰(Kun-Han Lin) 、林俊儒(Jun-Ru Lin) 、何萬順(One-Soon Her)
中文摘要 在學分制度之下,「學分」是量化教學內容與教學管理的核心概念,「零學分」課程卻挑戰了這個基礎。本文以零學分為主軸,從大學教育的基本價值論證至課程管理與教育行政,說明其對大學教育的侵蝕。在教育價值上,本文以三項零學分課程為例:體育、服務學習及外語能力檢定,指出「零學分」造成學分與授課對應關係斷裂,破壞學分制度預判學習負擔、評量學習成效、分配教學責任的功能,導致教學失序,甚至課程異化。在教育行政上,造成學習評量、學分計算與校務管理規劃的缺失,衝擊學業退學、獎學金、助學貸款、學分採認、授課時數及開課數量,使得教學管理迷失方向。作為畢業條件,「零學分」必修課與釋字第563號有所齟齬。「零學分」課程出自造假的價值觀,鑒於上述缺失,展望未來大學教育,本文主張大學課程應名實相符,不應有「零學分」的課程設計。
英文摘要 he emergence of the zero-credit system undermines the fundamental way that the credit hour system quantifies teaching content and teaching time in university education. This study demonstrates the erosion of university education by the zero-credit system from the perspectives of the core value of university education, course management, and educational administration. In terms of the essence of education, zero-credit courses of physical education, service learning, and foreign language certification are used as examples to illustrate the disconnect between credits and course content. It undermines the credit hour system functions, including predicting students’ course load, evaluating learning performance, and allocating teachers’ course load. Zero-credit courses lead to a mismatch between teaching and learning and also the alienation of the traditional concept of courses. In terms of educational administration, zero-credit courses create unnecessary confusion in learning assessment, credit calculation, and university management and planning. Those zero-credit courses also complicate the issues such as academic dismissals, scholarships, student loans, credit certifications, teaching hours, and number of courses, thus disrupting proper teaching management. As graduation requirements, zero-credit courses are at odds with the principle of Judicial Yuan interpretation of No.563. The concept of zero-credit courses arose from a distorted value of dishonesty and hypocrisy. Given the many flaws of such courses and in light of the vision of future university education, we contend that zero-credit courses should be ruled out in university education, where all courses must offer credits as well as substantive content.
頁次 233-256
關鍵詞 零學分課程 學分制 教學管理 畢業條件 釋字563 號 zero-credit course credit hour system course management graduation requirements Judicial Yuan Interpretation No.563 TSSCI
卷期 23:4
日期 202010
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202010_23(4).0008