

篇名 以學習為焦點的學校領導系統:省思與前瞻
並列篇名 Learning-focused School Leadership Systems: Refl ection and Looking Forward
作者 鄭新輝(Hsin-Hui Cheng)
中文摘要 學生是學習的主體,學習是教育的核心,學校教育必須以學生有效學習為核心,才能實現學校教育目標,以學習為焦點的領導已成為當前普受重視的教育領導趨勢。許多影響學生學習的因素若分開來看,其影響皆不大;但若整合起來,則可發揮關鍵多數的影響效果。而有效能的校長領導便具有整合綜效的影響力。在共享領導與系統思考的理念下,本文由巨觀的角度,先闡述以學習為焦點的學校領導系統之意涵;其次,針對以學習為焦點的學校領導系統架構進行探究,包括三個學校內部領導次級系統,以及外部一個上層領導系統,並分別由各層級的領導功能、表現期望標準、教育環境與支持系統等四個面向進行分析。最後,再針對國內各層級的學校領導系統運作進行省思,並提出未來努力的方向,以提供教育行政決策與實務工作者參考。
英文摘要 As students are the subjects of learning, the learning is the core of education. Undoubtedly, schools should pay more attention to effective student learning that achieve their education goals. Learning-focused leadership has become a popular trend of education leadership. Most school variables, considered separately, have at small effects on learning; however, when individual variables combined to reach critical mass, the real payoff comes. The effective leadership of principal can creating the conditions of synergy. Under the concepts of shared leadership and system thinking, this article aimed to explore learningfocused school leadership system from macro-perspectives. It is divided into three parts. Firstly, explain the meaning of learning-focused school leadership system. Then, exploring the framework of learning-focused school leadership system from three intra-subsystems and one supra-system of school by analyzing the leadership functions, professional standards, educational environments, and supporting systems in each leadership level. Finally, rethinking the current situations of learning-focused school leadership system at all levels in Taiwan, and propose the directions of future efforts to be the references for educational policy makers and practitioners.
頁次 111-132
關鍵詞 以學習為焦點的領導 教學領導 學校領導系統 學習領導 instructional leadership leadership for learning learning-focused leadership school leadership system
卷期 302
日期 201906
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602019060302006