篇名 下一代个性化学习:生成式人工智能增强智能辅导系统
並列篇名 Next-Generation Personalized Learning: Enhancing Intelligent Tutoring Systems with Generative Artificial Intelligence
作者 徐升(XU Sheng) 、佟佳睿(TONG Ricard) 、胡祥恩(HU Xiangen)
中文摘要 长期以来,教育技术领域的研究者致力于利用计算机开展个性化自适应教学。智能辅导系统作为这一领域的核心,其目标是通过计算机技术提供个性化学习体验和支持。近年来,生成式人工智能,尤其是大语言模型的发展,为智能辅导系统带来了突破性机遇,为个性化学习开辟了新的路径。本文回顾了研究者为实现个性化学习所作的努力及其成果和局限,探讨了大语言模型在个性化学习中的潜力和影响,介绍了“苏格拉底游乐园”——一个基于对话的智能辅导系统,如何利用大语言模型实施苏格拉底式教学,揭示了生成式人工智能如何革新个性化学习方式。针对大语言模型的潜在误用,文章提出了相应的建议,并构建了框架,旨在引导研发者在生成式人工智能和大语言模型范式下开发高效的智能教育应用。
英文摘要 For a long time, researchers in the field of educational technology have been dedicated to achieving personalized adaptive learning by leveraging the power of computers. Despite significant efforts and achievements in this field over the past thirty years, there are still many challenges to be addressed. The development of generative artificial intelligence with large language models (LLMs) has brought breakthrough opportunities to intelligent tutoring systems and opened up new paths for personalized learning. This paper reviews the efforts, outcomes as well as their limitations of researchers in achieving personalized learning. It also discusses the potential and impact of LLMs in personalized learning. In particular, this paper introduces "Socratic Playground," an example of a dialogue-based intelligent tutoring system that utilizes LLMs to execute Socratic teaching, demonstrating how generative AI innovates personalized learning. To address the potential misuse of LLMs, the article proposes corresponding strategic recommendations and constructs a framework to guide developers in developing efficient intelligent educational applications under the paradigm of generative AI and LLMs.
頁次 013-022
關鍵詞 个性化学习 智能辅导系统 ChatGPT 对话教学系统 personalized learning intelligent tutoring Systems ChatGPT conversational based ITS CSSCI
卷期 30:2
日期 202404
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2024.02.002