

篇名 變革準備度的概念架構發展及應用之教育研究
並列篇名 Developing a Conceptual Framework of Readiness for Change and Its Application in Educational Research
作者 陳佩英(Peiying Chen) 、Ting Wang 、Dianne F. Olivier 、邱淑娟(Shu-Chaun Chiu)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討與界定組織變革準備度的層次與面向,進而建構可於教育領域進行研究的概念架構。首先回顧變革準備度的文獻,將變革準備度定義為是對變革的整體認知、行為與態度,意指個人和組織在特定的變革脈絡和情境下,依據變革效價與適切性的評估,經由組織學習和領導的支持下,強化個體與集體效能感,並能承諾參與變革行動。本研究經彙整多層次變革面向理論後,提出變革準備度的關鍵因素與概念分析架構,目的在於能夠描繪學校變革的動態變化,並深入瞭解變革準備度的個人及組織層面要素之間的互動及其狀態類型,用以掌握變革準備度的演變路徑,進而可應用於教育實踐的研究和知識建構。
英文摘要 This paper explores and defines the construct of readiness for change from multiple dimensions and levels and examines its application in the field of educational research. Moreover, the paper critically reviews the literature on the organizational change process and readiness for change. Readiness for change is defined as the holistic cognition, behaviors, and attitudes towards change. Under particular circumstances, individuals and organizations assess the appropriateness and valence of change, obtain support from organizational learning and leaders, strengthen personal and collective efficacy, and commit to change actions. The study proposes a conceptual framework of system readiness for change. It describes the dynamic interaction and identify critical factors of the readiness-for-change process to delineate the change pathways at both individual and organizational levels. The paper concludes with a discussion of the implications of the framework in the research and knowledge construction of educational practice.
頁次 001-043
關鍵詞 承諾 效能 效價 領導 變革準備度 commitment efficacy valence leadership readiness for change TSSCI
卷期 56
日期 202106
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系
DOI 10.3966/156335272021060056001