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篇名 以韓劇《黑暗榮耀》為例,淺談校園霸凌與修復式正義
並列篇名 Understanding Campus Bullying and Restorative Justice, Using an Example of Korean Drama “The Glory”
作者 鍾宜玲(Yi-Ling Chung)
中文摘要 隨著「兩公約」國內法化,我國陸續積極建構尊重人權的社會,並加強推動人權教育。最新的十二年國民基本教育總綱,將人權、性平、生命、法治、多元文化等列為教育的19項重大議題,而校園霸凌更是一種踐踏人性尊嚴並侵犯人權的三大兒少問題之一。近年來,我國校園霸凌事件引發愈來愈多的重視,教育部也陸續修訂《校園霸凌防制準則》,並加強推動人權教育、友善校園、正向管教等措施。人權教育與校園霸凌的防治刻不容緩,教育現場的第一線教師也責無旁貸。近年來影音串流平臺興盛,其中有許多真實事件改編,探討社會議題的影劇作品,非常值得教育者作為教學的素材,尤其是進行較抽象的價值教育。因此,本研究嘗試以今年很受歡迎的韓劇《黑暗榮耀》為教案,從劇中角色與對白的分析,讓學生認識人權的基本內涵及修復式正義,並引導學生進行價值的思辨與選擇,期許能防治校園霸凌的發生,並讓學生能實踐保護人權價值的行動。
英文摘要 With the legalization of the “International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” and “International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights” in Taiwan, our government has been actively working towards constructing a society that respects human rights and promoting human rights education. The Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education has identified human rights, gender equality, life, rule of law, and multiculturalism to be included in the 19 important topics. Campus bullying, on the other hand, is one of the three major issues that trample upon human dignity and violate human rights among children and adolescents. In recent years, campus bullying incidents have garnered increasing attention, causing the Ministry of Education to continuously revise the “Guidelines for Preventing Campus Bullying” and strengthen initiatives such as human rights education, creating friendly campuses, and promoting positive discipline. Both human rights education and the prevention of campus bullying are urgent matters, and frontline educators bear significant responsibility. As streaming platforms are gaining popularity, many of them adapt real cases and discuss societal issues through dramas and films. These materials are highly valuable for educators, particularly when conducting more abstract value education. Therefore, this article attempts to use the popular Korean drama “The Glory”, which is about campus bullying, as a teaching material to facilitate student understanding of the basic principles of human rights and restorative justice through the analysis of characters and dialogues in the drama. The aim is to guide students in thinking critically about values and choices, with the hope of preventing campus bullying and encouraging students to take actions to protect human rights.
頁次 089-113
關鍵詞 人權教育 修復式正義 校園霸凌 韓劇 human rights education restorative justice campus bullying Korean drama
卷期 22:1
日期 202306
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院
DOI 10.53106/168395522023062201003