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篇名 領導與學習的人際樣貌:以混合研究社會網絡分析法探索十二年國教變革脈絡下之校長學習(上)
並列篇名 The Social Landscape of Leadership and Learning: A Mixed Methods Social Network Approach to Principal Learning in Times of Reform
作者 劉怡華(Yi-Hwa Liou)
中文摘要 本研究回應校長學習文獻的缺口及社會網絡研究在教育領域應用的趨勢,從社會網絡角度了解一所個案國小校長與學校同仁在十二年國教政策實施脈絡下的人際樣態,以人際互動作為催化學習的關鍵,探索校長如何形塑己身對學校在轉型變革的了解,並與同仁協作學習。本研究採解釋型序列混合研究法、質性訪談資料用以解釋量化及網絡資料結果。研究結果顯示,外部教改政策驅使以及校長領導優先策略會形塑自我及同仁間的人際鏈結樣態;校長與其所授權的行政團隊形成各自獨立卻能彼此協作的雙軌系統帶領學校變革;同儕互動漸趨集中化,易使資源集中於少數同仁而較不利於分散分群專業發展;信任關係之建立有助於相互合作學習,深耕共學發展。最後,根據研究結果提出討論與建議。
英文摘要 This study addresses a major gap in literature around principal learning and joins the rapidly growing body of evidence suggesting the important role of social processes in the success of individual and organizational change and development. Using social network analysis, this study investigates webs of relationships among educators of a public elementary school over two years together with relational and cognitive aspects of social processes in a way to understand complex social mechanisms as results of principal leadership in reform. In exploring this phenomenon, I employ an explanatory sequential mixed methods design whereby the qualitative component plays a supportive role to the quantitative survey data. Results indicate that teachers have a surface-level access to work-related information, but the deeper and more intense relationship involving reform-focused collaboration is limited. In addition, principal leadership priorities and policy demands play consequential roles in shaping overall network structures and individuals’ network positions. Further, both core-periphery structure and network centralization appear to take shape over time, suggesting potential structural constraints operating on flows of resources necessary for professional learning and growth. Finally, close friendship relationships act as a key determinant of the formation of individuals’ work-related ties. As social processes and relational linkages are increasingly recognized as key to leadership and change, and a social network approach places leadership in the role of a social undertaking, there is a need to better understand how schools may capitalize on these relational opportunities in ways that facilitate learning and development. The study findings shed light on these critical foundational elements of social aspect of leadership and learning and have implications for how a school’s complex social system is analyzed, led and catalyzed and further reflect the need to intentionally attend to the shaping of networks for learning and development.
頁次 063-081
關鍵詞 十二年國教 社會網絡分析 校長領導 校長學習 混合研究法 12-year basic education social network analysis principal leadership principal learning mixed methods
卷期 322
日期 202102
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602021020322005