

篇名 数字化转型视域下欧盟科学素养培养新动向——《作为教育挑战的科学和科学素养》报告解读与启示
並列篇名 Development of Scientific Literacy from the Perspective of Digital Transformation: Interpretation of the EU Report on “Science and Scientific Literacy as an Educational Challenge”
作者 严晓梅(YAN Xiaomei) 、万青青(WAN Qingqing) 、高博俊(GAO Bojun) 、郑永和(ZHENG Yonghe)
中文摘要 围绕社会数字化转型中虚假信息传播带来的严峻考验,欧盟议会于2019年3月发布《作为教育挑战的科学和科学素养》报告,提出科学素养的新内涵,强调公民积极参与社会理性决策的能力;建议欧盟各成员国就数字化转型对社会的挑战,制定相应的教育政策,明确培养科学素养的教育目标,构建从幼儿园到成人一贯制的科学素养终身教育体系。欧盟公民科学素养培养的新动向为我国科学教育改革和制定新一轮公民科学素质提升计划提供了重要启示:既要重构科学素养的内涵、构建一贯制的科技教育体系,也要创新科学素养培养方案、支持多样化的科学教育供给方式。
英文摘要 2020 is the year for China to make the new long-term plan to further improve citizens’ scientific literacy, in response to the challenges brought by digital transformation. This paper draws on the recent EU report of “Scientific literacy as an educational challenge” for reference. This report summarizes the challenges brought about by the digital transformation of society in the new era, puts forward the new model of scientific literacy, with the emphasizes on citizens’ ability of actively participate in social rational decision-making. It suggests that a series of measures should be implemented at the government level to guarantee the development of citizens’ scientific literacy. It inspires the development of Chinese scientific literacy under the similar challenges of widespread misinformation.
頁次 037-044
關鍵詞 科学素养 科学教育 非正规教育 scientific literacy scientific education non-formal education CSSCI
卷期 26:4
日期 202008
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2020.04.005