

篇名 國中表演藝術怎麼教?——一個以創意廣告為例的行動研究
並列篇名 How to Teach Performing Arts? An Action Study of Taking the Creative Commercial Lesson as an Example
作者 江晨誼(Cheng-I Chiang) 、陳嘉成(Chia-Cheng Chen)
中文摘要 科技日新月異對未來十年生活的改變是巨大,因此重視合作與創意的教學,是協助學生面對未來世界的重要素養。本研究旨在探討運用多媒體資源,融入自編的創意廣告課程對學生表演藝術學習之成效,希望藉此課程使學生學習欣賞影音廣告的美感層面、能適切地運用多媒體資源,來提升資訊素養與創造力廣告之創作,並學習對同儕作品的尊重與分享。本研究採行動研究法,進行為期共12節課的教學研究。研究目的為:(一)發展與規劃多媒體資源融入國中表演藝術課程(二)探討以多媒體資源融入國中表演藝術課程之實施歷程(三)探討多媒體資源融入課程對學生表演藝術學習之影響。獲致之結論包含:(一)此課程設計以創意廣告單元為教材,結合多媒體資源、運用創造性思考教學策略、整合素養導向概念並採用合作學習方式,設計「創意玩廣告」共四單元課程。(二)學生在課程中對於廣告題材富有學習興趣,且經教師引導其創作與表演意願高;教師省思方面則需彈性調整教學時間與開放討論空間。(三)多媒體資源融入課程對學生表演藝術之學習意願、資訊素養及藝術涵養都能有所成果與顯著影響。
英文摘要 This study aimed to investigate students’ learning efficiency of performing arts through multimedia resources which were assimilated with the self-compiled creative commercial lessons. Students could learn to appreciate the aesthetics of video commercial through group working, planning, multimedia resources and creativity using, commercial advertisements producing, technology literacy enhancing, and showing the respects to their peers’ works et. al,. Action research approach was adopted to conduct this research. The purposes of this research were listed as follows: (1) to developed and design multimedia resources usage in performing arts lessons for junior high school students, (2) to probe into the implementation process of multimedia resources being integrated in performing arts lessons of junior high schools, and (3) to investigate the impact of lessons embedded with multimedia resources on students’ learning of performing arts. A total of twelve-week action research was conducted to investigate whether students could meet the standard of teaching goals. Based on the finding and discussion, this study concluded: (1) The Play Advertisements with Creativity lessons, a total of four units. Creative commercials were selected as materials for these lessons and combined with multimedia resources. Teaching strategies of creative thinking were used to activate students’ thinking. The lessons integrated with the concept of literacy-based curriculum and combined with cooperative learning. (2) Students were highly interested in advertising materials and willing to create and perform their own advertisement through the teacher’s guiding. Upon reflection, the teaching periods should be adjusted elastically and the room for discussion should be provided. (3) Lessons assimilated with multimedia resources had significant effects on students’ aspirations to learn performing arts, information literacy, and cultivation of arts.
頁次 021-048
關鍵詞 多媒體資源 表演藝術課程 創意廣告 Multimedia Resources Performing Arts Creative Commercial
卷期 18:2
日期 201912
刊名 教育科學期刊
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心教師專業發展研究所