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篇名 國民小學校長教學領導與教師專業發展之個案研究
並列篇名 A Case Study of Elementary School Principals9 Instructional Leadership and Teachers’ Professional Development
作者 劉鎭寧(Jen-Ning Liou)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探討校長發揮教學領導促進教師專業發展的策略 和效果。研究結果發現,校長教學領導策略包括:校長的專業領導 奠基於學習和實際參與;型塑及展現願景的行動力;教學觀察;專 業對話與圑隊學習;教師領導者的參與等五大策略。在成效部分計 有營造校園學習風氣;啓弓丨教師在專業上的覺察;以及行政和教學 能關注教育品質的落實。本文最後提出四點建議:第一、校長必須 從學習自我領導做起,強化個人的教育價值觀;第二、校長和教師 都必須正視專業發展的重要性;第三、校長應提升教師專業對話的 習慣和能力;第四、對未來研究的建議。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this research is to investigate how the principal in the case study uses his or her instructional leadership to promote the professional development of teacher(s). It was found that the principal’s instructional leadership strategies include: Professional leadership, founded on learning and actual participation by the principal; the principaPs action capability to create and display the vision; teaching observation; professional dialogue and group learning; and the participation of teacher leaders. Performances include: Creation of a learning atmosphere within the campus; the inspiration of teacher’s professional perceptions; and care for the fulfillment of education quality through administrative and teaching methods. In the final part of this paper, four suggestions will be provided. First, the principal must start from the learning of self-leadership to reinforce personal value of education. Second, the principal and teachers must all take a serious look at the importance of professional development. Third, the principal should promote teacher^ habits and capabilities for professional dialogues. Last, there are recommendations for future research.
頁次 061-089
關鍵詞 校長教學領導 教師專業發展 個案研究 principals instructional leadership teachers professional development, case study
卷期 13
日期 201606
刊名 慈濟大學教育研究學刊
出版單位 慈濟大學