

篇名 构建服务全民终身学习的教育体系:路径与机制——基于“后学校化”理念的思考
並列篇名 Lifelong Learning Educational System for All Citizens: Based on the Concept of Post-schoolization
作者 路宝利(LU Baoli) 、吴遵民(WU Zunmin)
中文摘要 构建服务全民终身学习的教育体系是党中央在新时期作出的重大决策。如何从终身教育转向终身学习,同时为广大民众提供更为精确和适合的教育服务,将是今后15年教育界面临的重大挑战与使命。概括而言,新体系的内涵覆盖了“全民”“生涯”及包括学校在内的整体教育“场域”,但若不区分不同人群与不同人生时段的教育诉求,就会因概念边界的模糊而致政策的贯彻执行失去明确的指向,同时亦使体系本应重点面向的“主旨人群”遭致遮蔽,继而会因目标不清或拘囿于“学校化”的老路而在实际推进中被误解与误读。本文透过概念的“表层涵义”,着力揭示“第二年龄”与“第三年龄”的学习样态及内在规律,同时围绕当下“后学校化”时代的复杂情境,通过“自我导向学习能力”的提升及立体化的“干预”机制,尝试重建基于共生理念的路径与框架,以使体系构建朝向更为科学而明确的方向发展。
英文摘要 It is an important decision made by the Chinese Party Central Committee to build a lifelong education system for all citizens. Therefore, how to shift from lifelong education to lifelong learning while providing more accurate and appropriate education services for the general public will become a main challenge and mission in the next 15 years. Broadly speaking, the system covers the “the whole people,” “career,” and overall education “field,” including school. However, if we take this as the logical starting point and do not distinguish the educational demands of different people and different life periods, the initially targeted “subject group” will be obscured by the understanding of “habituation” in the meaning of the word. As a result, it will be misinterpreted in the actual promotion because of the unclear goal or stuck in the old way of “schoolization.” This paper, through the “surface meaning” of the concept, focuses on revealing the “second age” and “third age” learning patterns and internal laws, in order to explain the internal logic of the construction of this system. At the same time, centering on the complex situation of “post-schoolization,” this paper discusses the ways to improve “self-directed learning ability” and three-dimensional “intervention” mechanism. The paper intends to rebuild a framework based on the symbiosis concept and to move the system towards the goal of science and quality.
頁次 067-076
關鍵詞 终身学习 教育体系 路径机制 后学校化 lifelong learning education system path and mechanism post-schoolization CSSCI
卷期 26:4
日期 202008
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2020.04.008