

篇名 亂倫受害者經通報安置到返家之復原歷程初探
並列篇名 Exploring the Recovery Process of Incestuous Victims from Being Placed to Return Home
作者 方愛珍(Ai-Chen Fang) 、利翠珊(Tsui-Shan Li)
中文摘要 當應該提供保護的父親變成性侵害的加害者;當母親捍衛著家庭的完整卻忽略孩子的受傷;當安置成為終止傷害必要的手段時,服務系統提供些什麼幫助亂倫受害者創傷復原、返家後的適應以及其中的成長與轉化歷程,是本研究所關注的焦點。本研究以敘說分析的方式,探討父女亂倫受害者在經過通報安置並進入服務系統後,受害者對於各項服務介入的知覺及創傷復原歷程。藉由深度訪談蒐集亂倫受害者的回顧詮釋,理解其被通報後的內在知覺感受和外在情境脈絡的交互影響,並嘗試歸納受害者復原的正向促進因子。研究結果發現,儘管離開原生家庭是分離和失落、面對陌生環境是混亂和不安,但安置期間得以被適當對待和獲得新經驗。當結束安置,面對解構再重組的家庭、陌生卻又熟悉的母親、不同生命階段的開展,返家雖然是另一段艱辛挑戰的開始,但服務系統持續提供支持、穩定的諮商關係引導自我覺察與自我了解,以及過程中累積而成的值得被愛的感受及信任,可以讓亂倫受害者內化經驗形成新的視野與能力,並持續自我覺察與自我照顧,進而踏上復原之路。
英文摘要 Out-of-home placement may become necessary when the father, who should have been the protector, becomes the perpetrator of sexual assault, and the mother, who attempts to keep the family together, neglects the impact of trauma on the child. This research focuses on what the service system provides to help victims of incest recover from trauma, facilitate them to fit in after returning home, and pinpoint mechanisms by which victims change in the process. Through the narrative approach, this research explores the victim's perception in regards to post-report placement, treatment, and services in the child protective service system offered by Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Prevention Center. Through indepth interviews to gather the victim's reflections and interpretation, this research seeks to understand and analyze the correlation between the victim's internalized perception and externalized awareness, and to enlist the protective factors which promote recovery. This study attempts to show the history of being placed to return home of incestuous victims, but the ups and downs of the process is a long dark and unending arduous course and painful metamorphosis for the victims. The victim's childhood experience is formed not only from the sexual abuse of the biological father but also from the growing trauma of constantly carved, accumulated family injuries, which are likely to be healed only if all variables involved are pinpointed. The study found that despite the grief of separation from the family of origin and the anxiety provoked by being placed into a completely unfamiliar environment, being placed in a placement agency may begin to restore the victim's mental health through being treated appropriately and gaining healthy life experiences. However, returning the victim home may be the beginning of a new phase of challenges when the child is expected to reintegrate into the restructured family, reconnect with the mother, who may or may not behave differently, and to continue on the journey of further development. Social workers or counsellors, who have opportunities to accompany the victim and provide emotional infusion and hope for a long time, assist the victim in internalising their own experience and exploring internal positive resources that will help the victim face different life stages and challenges in the future. Therefore, by providing systemic services during and after placement, continued counseling to increase self-awareness, and the trust that is worthy of being loved, the victim can start to recover from trauma by converting experience into positive resources and abilities. These positive resources and abilities will make them stronger as they experience challenges and difficulties. To sum up, trauma recovery is a dynamic process with no endpoint or clear criteria. However, when victims look back on their lives, they will be emotionally overwhelmed and proud of their newborn lives.
頁次 069-100
關鍵詞 性侵害 敘說研究 創傷復原 亂倫 機構安置 incest narrative research out-of-home placement sexual assault trauma and recovery TSCI
卷期 44:1
日期 202205
刊名 輔導與諮商學報
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系
DOI 10.53106/181815462022054401003