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篇名 東南亞華裔國際生來臺就讀動機、學習經驗與生涯發展之探究
並列篇名 Motivation to Study in Taiwan, Learning Experiences, and Career Development of Southeast Asian Chinese International Undergraduates
作者 張德勝(Te-Sheng Chang) 、王采薇(Tsai-Wei Wang) 、陳上迪(Shang-Ti Chen)
中文摘要 近年來,臺灣修讀學位的國際生快速增加,其中又以東南亞學生來臺就學最為大宗。本研究旨在探討東南亞華裔國際生,來臺就讀動機、在臺學習經驗與生涯發展之轉化。研究參與者為臺灣東部地區一所大學主修人文或社會學科的兩位印尼籍和兩位馬來西亞籍華裔學生。為了解研究參與者在大學四年的學習經驗與生涯發展,本研究針對每一位研究參與者進行深度訪談,並追蹤蒐集4年的資料。研究發現,四位東南亞華裔國際生來臺就讀動機來自原鄉的推力,以及就讀學校提供獎學金的拉力。在學習經驗上,皆會面臨到語言隔閡和文化障礙的問題,且會影響學習和生活適應。在生涯發展上,會因個人在學習過程中經歷的社會互動有所不同,帶來四位研究參與者發展出不同的成長軌跡。兩位東南亞華裔國際生較屬於Marcia(1980)所謂的定向型(identity achievement),有自己屬意的職業方向;一位較屬於未定型(identity moratorium),尚未確定未來方向,但是有心想要改變;另一位則是迷失型(identity diffusion),較沒有認真思考未來。然而,無論是定向型、未定向型或迷失型的生涯發展,都和東南亞華裔國際生個人成長的社會背景、家庭環境、來臺動機、語言隔閡、文化差異、學習成就有關。針對研究分析結果,本研究提出對於教育實務的建議。
英文摘要 Due to internationalization and the Southbound policy, the number of international students in Taiwan has increased rapidly in recent years. Among them, Southeast Asian students are the most likely to come to Taiwan to study. However, there is little scientific understanding of the learning experiences and career development of Southeast Asian Chinese international undergraduates in Taiwan’s higher education system. This study therefore aimed to analyze the motivation to study in Taiwan, learning experiences, and career development of Southeast Asian Chinese international undergraduates. The research participants were four Southeast Asian Chinese international undergraduate students, two of whom come from Indonesia, and two from Malaysia. All were studying humanities or social sciences at a private university on the east coast of Taiwan. To understand their learning experiences and career development, four-year follow-up, in-depth interviews were conducted. We found that the motivation to study in Taiwan among the four research participants came from push factors in their hometowns and the scholarships offered by Taiwan’s universities. In addition, they all faced language barriers in their learning experiences. However, each research participant developed a different career trajectory because they all experienced different social interactions in their learning experiences. This study also found that two of these Southeast Asian Chinese international undergraduate students were more likely to fall into the identity achievement status, the third was more likely to fall into the identity moratorium status, and the last one was more likely to be in the identity diffusion status, according to the categorization proposed by Marcia (1980). Their career development was influenced by their personal social background, family factors, motivation to study in Taiwan, language barriers, cultural differences, and learning achievement.
頁次 067-119
關鍵詞 大學學習經驗 生涯發展 來臺就讀動機 東南亞華裔國際生 縱貫性追蹤 college learning experiences career development motivation to study in Taiwan Southeast Asian Chinese international undergraduates longitudinal follow-up
卷期 28
日期 202311
刊名 教育與多元文化研究
出版單位 國立東華大學花師教育學院
DOI 10.53106/207802222023110028003