

篇名 臺灣應導入IB國際文憑課程成為融入全球文化的2030雙語國家(上)
並列篇名 Taiwan Should Implement the IB Programme to Become a Bilingual Nation by 2030 and Culturally Integrate into the Global Community
作者 王秋萍(Chiu-Ping Wang)
中文摘要 行政院國家發展委員會於2018年12月公布的「2030雙語國家政策發展藍圖」,揭示雙語教學已是臺灣體制內學校明確的未來走向。本文以新加坡和日本為例,指出新加坡從1960年代實施雙語教育,雖使年輕一代具備語言優勢,締造了獅城奇蹟,卻也讓學生承受了沉重的升學壓力,而日本的教育革新計畫則是自2012年起企圖藉由高中導入IB課程來廢除統一考試,借鏡同為亞洲的鄰國經驗,臺灣應考慮在推行雙語政策的同時即採行世界通行的IB國際文憑課程,以達教育和國際接軌的目標。本文分段簡介IB所涵蓋的IBDP大學預科∕高中、MYP中學以及小學PYP課程的架構和內容,並估算出臺灣每年支出的教育經費是足以負擔採用IB課程所需的支出,最後提出本土和IB雙語學校雙軌制並存的創新構想,此於臺灣學界仍為全新的思維,期盼能引發學界和社會對此議題更廣泛、更深入的討論,創造雙贏並藉此機制破除臺灣社會長久以來對明星學校的迷思。
英文摘要 Developing the Republic of China (Taiwan) into a Bilingual Nation by 2030.”, announced by the Executive Yuan in December of 2018, has been an established education policy, which schools will be progressively applying in the teaching curriculum. The main appeal of this article is that Taiwan should adopt the worldwide recognized IB International Baccalaureate Programmes in the process of implementing the new bilingual policy as this should objectively not only reflect but also meet the Taiwan people’s consensus. The Lion City miracle creator Singapore shares the similar Asian culture with Taiwan. Its younger generation has profited from bilingual education policy, which has been on track since the 1960s, yet its students are still suffering from the great psychological pressure through the fierce competition of entering a higher school. Also, another Asian neighbor country, Japan, has planned to abolish the national college entrance examination through launching the IB since 2012. Based on these two examples, it is suggested that Taiwan should catch up and consider cooperating with the world at this late stage so that the domestic school curriculum can be recognized in line with the world community. After all, Modern Globalization (since the fall of the Iron Curtain) is ongoing for almost 40 years. Finally, the article also proposes an innovative concept of coexistence of the local and IB bilingual schools. It is hoped that the use this complementary measure of a “double-track school system” will break the long-standing myth towards the “star schools” in Taiwanese society. Linking the implementation of the IB programs with Taiwan’s bilingual education policy is still a new thinking in Taiwanese academic circles. The purpose of this paper is to arouse a broader and deeper discussion of this topic in domestic academic circles and Taiwanese society.
頁次 120-134
關鍵詞 國際文憑組織 國際文憑課程 教育改革 雙語國家 雙語教育 bilingual education bilingual nation International Baccalaureate (IB, IBDP, PYP, MYP) International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) education reform
卷期 310
日期 202002
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020020310008