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篇名 大学生学校认同影响因素的多层线性模型分析
並列篇名 Factors Influencing College Students’ School Identity: A Hierarchical Linear Model Analysis
作者 赵必华(ZHAO Bihua) 、周元宽(ZHOU Yuankuan)
中文摘要 基于35所院校5855名大三学生的问卷调查,运用两层次多层线性模型分析,探查大学生学校认同的影响因素。研究发现:(1)院校之间差异能够解释大学生学校认同6.7%的变异;(2)在个体层面,男性、理工科、家庭收入与家庭支持水平高的大学生具有较高的学校认同度,生师互动、同伴合作学习、高水平学习、反思整合学习、深层学习动机能够正向预测大学生的学校认同;(3)在院校层面,学校支持性环境能正向预测大学生的学校认同。高校可通过为不同类型学生提供针对性指导和帮扶措施,营造聚焦学生学习的生师、生生积极互动的良好氛围,提升学业挑战性、推动学生开展深度学习,建构全面促进学生身心发展的校园支持环境等方式提高大学生的学校认同度。
英文摘要 Based on the questionnaire survey of 5855 students from 35 colleges and universities, this article analyzes the factors influencing college students’ school identity by using two levels of hierarchical linear model. Key findings are summarized as follows: the differences between colleges and universities can explain 6.7% of the variation in college students’ school identity; at the individual level, college students with male, science and engineering field, higher level of family income and family support have higher level of school identification, and student-faculty interaction, peer cooperative learning, higher-level learning, reflective and integrative learning and deep learning motivation can positively predict college students’ school identity; at the institutional level, the supportive environment can positively predict college students’ school identity. To improve college students’ school identification, colleges and universities should provide different types of students with targeted guidance and assistance, create a favorable atmosphere to focus on students’ learning and promote students’ positive interaction with teachers and students, enhance the level of academic challenge to promote students’ deep learning, and build a comprehensive campus support environment for students’ physical and psychological development.
頁次 056-063
關鍵詞 学校认同 多层线性模型 影响因素 School Identity Hierarchical Linear Model Influencing Factors CSSCI
卷期 17:4
日期 201907
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學