

篇名 指向教学性的语文教科书作业系统比较研究——兼论统编本作业设计
並列篇名 A Comparative Study on Assignment of Chinese textbook Oriented to Teaching: A Discussion on Assignment Design of Unified Compiled Textbook
作者 张菁(ZHANG Jing) 、刘佳悦(LIU Jia-yue)
中文摘要 作业系统作为语文教科书的重要组成部分,其教学性品质反映着教科书编写质量。基于教学性品质,比较我国内地与香港地区语文教科书共选篇目《背影》作业系统的内容设计与呈现方式,结果显示:内地教科书以“人文主题”组元,作业内容重视体会课文的思想情感,以简答题型、整合性练习培养学生综合能力;香港地区课本以“语文能力”组元,作业内容注重提升语用能力,以丰富多样的分解性习题与针对性指导,专注于某一方面能力训练。针对统编本作业设计的分析,提出如下建议:强化语用训练、落实单元目标;优化习题设计、提供练习指导。
英文摘要 As a crucial component to Chinese textbooks, assignment along with its teaching characteristics reflects the compiling quality of textbooks. The study focusing on teaching characteristics compares the content and presentation of assignment in the samearticle “Father’s back”, which is selected in textbooks both Chinese mainland and Hong Kong. The findings shows that: the textbooks in the mainland filed the article to the “humanity” unit. The contents attach importance to the ideologies and emotions of the text cultivating students' comprehensive language ability in the form of answering questions and integrated exercises. The textbooks in Hong Kong filed the article into “language ability” unit. The contents lay stress on pragmatic competence, and developing a certain ability of students in the form of the separate training and specific guidance. By analyzing the assignment design of the unified compiled textbook, following suggestions are proposed: to strengthen pragmatic training, and to implement unit objectives; to optimize exercise design and to provide training guidance.
頁次 038-045
關鍵詞 教学性 语文教科书 作业设计 统编教科书 teaching Chinese textbook assignment design unified compiled textbook CSSCI
卷期 16:4
日期 202008
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學
DOI 10.14082/j.cnki.1673-1298.2020.04.004