

篇名 概念為本課程與教學的催化者:初探社會科教師的轉化經驗
並列篇名 Facilitator of Concept-based Curriculum and Instruction: A Preliminary Research on the Transformation Experience of Society Teachers
作者 李丕寧(Pei-Ning Lee) 、劉恆昌(Heng-Chang Liu)
中文摘要 本研究採用立意抽樣方式,選擇正在實施概念為本的五位社會科教師做為研究對象,透過深度訪談,探討其對概念為本課程及教學的學習及教學轉化的經驗,藉以描繪教師信念、教學內容知識轉化與概念為本教學的經驗與歷程。研究發現,資淺教師初期實踐概念為本的信念始於相信自己能夠改變學生學習,資深教教師則以深化學科內容實施之。教師專業發展除了信念情意面向,教師透過學科內容深度理解、預備、表徵再現、選擇、調適、裁剪的過程,建立教學「庫藏」,構成概念為本之學科知識基礎,進行知識和歷程結構之搭建,轉化思考內容及路徑。期冀本研究針對教師突破個人信念,投入概念化教學的轉化及學習經驗所做的報導,能提供一般教師參考。
英文摘要 This study uses purposive sample to choose five social study instructors who are currently employing concept-based learning methodology as study targets. Through detailed interview and discussion, we hope to understand the concept-based classroom with the eventual goal of describing the instructor’s teaching philosophy, content and the transformative experience toward concept-based learning. The research has shown that junior teachers applying the concept-based model has the belief that they can improve student learning. Teachers with more seniority seek to deepen the learning content. Instructors not only seeks to focus on the ideals and purpose, but also to build deeper knowledge via understanding, preparation, selecting and tailoring process of classroom content selection. This help builds a knowledge bank that becomes the foundation of learning, guiding future inquirers and lighting up a path well travelled. This research focuses on finding breakthrough in the teaching ideologies of the participating teachers and hope to provide future educational reform possibilities.
頁次 048-062
關鍵詞 教師信念 教學轉化 概念為本 teachers’ faith pedagogical transferring concept-based curriculum and instruction (CBCI)
卷期 310
日期 202002
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602020020310004