

篇名 程式模組引導教學與目標設定策略對國小學生程式設計學習成效與動機之影響
並列篇名 Effects of Types of Instructional Approach and Goal-Setting on Elementary Students’ Learning of Computer Programming
作者 陳明溥(Ming-Puu Chen) 、豐佳燕(Chia-Yen Feng) 、王麗君(Li-Chun Wang)
中文摘要 本研究透過實驗教學探討程式模組引導教學(概念模組vs.功能模組)與目標設定策略(等級目標vs.質性目標)對初學者程式設計學習成效與學習動機的影響。本研究採因子設計之準實驗研究法,研究對象為臺北市某國小六年級學生,有效樣本103人。實驗教學活動為期八週,共計320分鐘。學習者的學習成效依認知層次分為「程式理解」與「程式應用」,分別進行分析;學習動機則是探討學習者對實驗教學活動之學習動機在價值成分與期望成分的看法。研究結果發現:一、對學習成效而言,在程式理解成效方面,程式模組引導教學與目標設定策略交互作用達到顯著水準,在「概念模組引導教學」搭配「等級目標設定策略」時,初學者有最佳的程式理解表現,而在其他的程式模組引導教學與目標設定策略組合時,學習者的程式理解成效則無顯著差異;二、在程式應用成效方面,「概念模組引導教學」之學習環境對初學者在程式應用的學習成效最佳;三、在學習動機方面,各實驗組學習者對機器人程式設計學習活動皆抱持著正向的學習動機,而「等級目標設定策略」搭配「概念模組引導教學」學習者有較高的外在目標學習動機表現,接受「功能模組引導教學」學習者在期望成功之學習動機最高。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of types of instructional approach and goal-setting on elementary students’ learning of computer programming. A quasi-experimental design was employed and a total of 103 sixth-graders participated in the experimental activity. The independent variables included type of instructional approaches (conceptual module vs. the functional module) and type of goal-setting (grading-goal vs. descriptive-goal). The dependent variables were students’ learning performance (knowledge comprehension and knowledge application) and motivation. The results revealed that: (a) For the comprehension performance, the conceptual module instructional approach combined with the grading-goal strategy led to better comprehension performance; (b) Concerning the knowledge application performance, the conceptual module instructional approach group outperformed the other groups; and (c) All participants showed positive motivation toward the programming learning activity, and particularly, the grading-goal strategy with the conceptual module instructional approach revealed higher degree of extrinsic goal than the other groups; and the functional module instructional approach group showed a higher degree of success expectation than the other groups.
頁次 063-093
關鍵詞 引導式教學 目標設定策略 程式模組化 instructional approaches goal-setting strategy modular programming TSSCI
卷期 13:4
日期 202110
刊名 數位學習科技期刊
出版單位 臺灣數位學習與內容學會
DOI 10.3966/2071260X2021101304003