

篇名 北欧四国中小学课后服务的实践、特征及启示
並列篇名 Experience of After-school Service in Primary and Secondary Schools in Four Nordic Countries
作者 贾利帅(JIALi-shuai) 、刘童(LIU Tong)
中文摘要 北欧地区课后服务的发展与欧洲提升就业率,促进经济发展,维护两性平等,协调家庭与工作,促进儿童身心发展需要的背景密切相关。北欧地区具有较为完善的课后服务体系,在一定程度上实现了供需平衡。课后服务以政府提供为主;课后服务设置了内容丰富的课程,旨在促进儿童的全面发展;配备了充足且优质的师资;服务费用由国家大力补贴;形成了政府主导,第三方参与的课后服务监管体系。北欧地区课后服务的活动内容、师资配备、收费制度和监管情况虽略有差异,但总体呈现出多元化的提供主体和提供方式;灵活且可负担的服务项目;健全的质量监督体制等共通的特征。为此,可以将北欧四国的课后服务作为反思平台,思考我国课后服务的走向。我国可加强政府为主导,多方共建的服务体制;注意服务对象向弱势群体倾斜;服务内容以学生全人发展为导向;打造专业化的课后服务教师队伍。
英文摘要 The development of after-school services in the Nordic region is closely related to the background of increasing employment rates in Europe, maintaining gender equality, and coordinating family and work. The Nordic region has a relatively complete after-school service system, which has achieved a balance of supply and demand to a certain extent. Although different countries have different contents of after-school service activities, teachers’ allocation , charging system and supervision, it shows a wide range of providers and methods; flexible and afford able service items; prescriptive quality supervision measures and other common characteristics. For this reason, the after-school services in the four Nordic countries can be used as a platform for reflection the trend of after-school services in China. According to our country s conditions, the government-led and multi-party service system can be strengthened. Pay attention to the preference of service targets to disadvantaged groups. The service content is oriented to the whole-person development of students. Create a professional after-school service teacher team.
頁次 103-112
關鍵詞 课后服务 北欧四国 中小学 经验启示 after-school service Nordic countries primary and secondary schools experience
卷期 18:4
日期 202108
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1005-2232.2021.04.011