

篇名 改革开放以来我国中小学德育价值观的变迁
並列篇名 The Changes of the Values of Moral Education in Primary and Secondary Schools about Our Country after Open-door Policy : Based on Analysis of Policy Documents
作者 姜子豪(JIANG Zi-hao)
中文摘要 改革开放以来,我国中小学德育价值观发生了翻天覆地的变化,其中的变化体现在德育政策文件的变迁中。根据政策制定的内外层双重逻辑,以国家颁布的全局性、纲领性的教育改革发展政策文件为节点,德育政策文件的变迁可以划分为四个时期。这四个时期政策文件的变迁又体现了中小学德育价值观的变化,具体表现在四个方面:从关注集体共性的德育价值观到关注个体特性的德育价值观;从无私利他的德育价值观到合理利己的德育价值观;从淡漠自然的德育价值观到尊重自然的德育价值观;从文化边缘的德育价值观到文化中心的德育价值观。
英文摘要 Since reform and opening-up, the values of moral education in primary and middle schools have changed overwhelmingly in our country. These changes are reflected in transitions of our moral education policy documents. According to the internal and external logic of policy and based on holistic and guiding educational policy documents, the transitions of moral education policy documents can be split into four period. The transitions of policy documents in these four periods embodied the changes of the values of moral education in primary and middle schools. This can be demonstrated in four aspects: from the values of moral education of collective universality-value to individual personality-value, from the values of moral education of selfless altruism to rational self-regarding, from the values of moral education of nature-ignorance of nature-reverence, from the values of moral education of cultural- margin to cultural-emphasis.
頁次 063-072
關鍵詞 改革开放 中小学 德育价值观 德育政策 reform and opening-up policy primary and middle schools values of moral education policies of moral education
卷期 16:6
日期 201912
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.3969/j.issn. 1005-2232.2019.06.008