

篇名 编程教育“低龄化”现象评析:批判理论的视角
並列篇名 Comment on the Lower-Ageing Tendency of Programming Education : From the Critical Theory Perspective
作者 田慧(TIAN Hui)
中文摘要 编程教育“低龄化”指的是当前编程教育的内容从高等教育和中等教育阶段逐步向下延伸,乃至延伸到学前教育阶段的现象。本文从批判理论的视角评析此现象:首先对编程教育“低龄化”现象的表现进行描述,阐述编程教育“低龄化”现象的实质是编程教育从高等、中等教育阶段的向下扩张;然后通过诠释呈现出编程教育“低龄化”现象的表层结构在于国家的国际竞争层面的战略需要以及社会发展对未来世界公民素养的培养提出了新要求,其深层结构在于“技术理性”的意识形态的宰制;然后通过对编程教育中三个基本问题的反省,对此现象存在的问题进行批判,最后提出四条改善之建议。
英文摘要 The “lower-ageing” phenomenon in programming education refers to the tendency that the current content of programming is extending gradually from the higher education and secondary education stages to the primary education, and even to the preschool education stage. This paper attempted to analyze this phenomenon from the perspective of critical theory. Firstly, it described the outside performance of the phenomenon of ” lower-ageing” in programming education, and expounded that the essence of the phenomenon was the downward expansion of programming education from the higher and middle education stages; Then, through the interpretation, it uncovered that the surface structure of the phenomenon of ” lower-ageing” in programming education lies in the strategic needs of the country’s international competition level and the development of social literacy in the future. The deeper structure lies in the ideology of “technical rationality”. The system was then criticized by introspecting the three basic problems in programming education, and finally this paper proposed four suggestions for improvement.
頁次 019-026
關鍵詞 编程教育 “低龄化” 批判理论 技术理性 意识形态 programming education “lower-ageing” phenomenon critical theory technical rationality ideology
卷期 16:6
日期 201912
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學
DOI 10.3969/j. issn. 1005-2232.2019.06.003