

篇名 博士生的学术经历、学术志趣与科研能力增长的关系
並列篇名 The Relationship among Academic Experience, Academic Aspiration and Interest, and the Growth of Research Capability in Doctoral Students
作者 许丹东(XU Dandong)
中文摘要 博士生的学术经历和学术志趣对科研能力增长的重要作用已得到实证研究的支持,不过很少有研究能够综合考察不同方面的学术经历以及学术志趣对科研能力增长的预测作用。基于1286份博士生调查数据进行相关探索,结果发现:(1)博士生的学术志趣对科研能力增长的正向预测作用最大,超过了前沿涉猎、导师指导、课程学习等学术经历的预测作用;(2)导师指导是对博士生学术志趣正向预测作用最大的变量;(3)与人文社科博士生相比,理工科博士生的学术志趣与科研能力增长具有更强的关联;(4)学术志趣在前沿涉猎、导师指导、课程学习等学术经历与科研能力增长之间存在中介效应。上述结果支持了学术志趣在博士生学术训练中的重要性,而导师在博士生学术志趣的激发方面扮演着关键角色。
英文摘要 The positive effects of doctoral students' academic experience and academic aspiration and interest on the growth of research capability have been supported by empirical research, but few studies can comprehensively examine the effects of these variables. Based on the survey data of 1286 doctoral students, the results show that doctoral students' academic aspiration and interest has the greatest positive effect on the growth of research capability, which exceeds the effect of academic experience such as frontier experience, supervisor's guidance, and course engagement. Supervisor's guidance is the variable that has the greatest positive effect on the academic aspiration and interest. Compared with doctoral students in humanities and social sciences, the academic aspiration and interest of science and engineering doctoral students is more closely related to the growth of research capability. In addition, academic aspiration and interest has a mediating effect between academic experience such as frontier experience, supervisor's guidance, course engagement, and the growth of research capability. The above results support the importance of academic aspiration and interest in the academic training of doctoral students, and supervisors play a key role in stimulating doctoral students' academic aspiration and interest.
頁次 048-055
關鍵詞 学术经历 学术志趣 导师指导 博士生教育 academic experience academic aspiration and interest supervisor's guidance doctoral education CSSCI
卷期 20:2
日期 202203
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學