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篇名 提升學生性別意識之課程實踐研究:以臺灣的大學課堂為場域
並列篇名 Designing Curricula to Raise Gender Consciousness in Taiwanese College Students
作者 陳炫任(Hsuan-Jen Chen)
中文摘要 此一行動研究中,研究者檢視其自身所教授之多元文化管理課程,由教學實踐及學生表現中探討該課程是否有助益於提升學生的性別意識。透過不同的教學活動,如影片分析及小組討論,鼓勵學生由日常生活經驗中,反思性別議題。課程特地採用了大量女性觀點的素材以彌補學校課程中女性代表的不足,但少部分學生對此舉甚為反彈。除了教學活動,研究資料亦取自學生的反思報告及描述女性長輩成長歷程的傳記式文章。研究結果顯示,大部分學生已能夠認知到女性受到不公平對待的情況。此類研究對未來相似主題的教學及研究應有所助益。
英文摘要 In this action research, the researcher examined her multicultural management course aiming at raising students’ gender consciousness. Through various instructional activities, students were encouraged to reflect on gender issues encountered in their daily lives. The course purposefully included a preponderance of content in the female voice to make up for its generally insufficient representation in school curricula. This proved quite overwhelming for a few students, who reacted with resistance to the topic. In addition to instructional activities, data was also collected from students’ reflective papers and biographic essays depicting the life stories of their female elders. The results of this study demonstrated that most students could recognize that women are often treated unequally. A study like this has pedagogical and research implications.
頁次 037-065
關鍵詞 性別平等 性別意識 課程設計 多元文化教育 gender equality gender consciousness curriculum design multicultural education
卷期 28
日期 202311
刊名 教育與多元文化研究
出版單位 國立東華大學花師教育學院
DOI 10.53106/207802222023110028002