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篇名 德國教育數位化趨勢與挑戰及對臺灣的啟示
並列篇名 The Trends and Challenges of Digitalization in German Education and the Inspiration for Taiwan
作者 羅恩冕(En-Mien Luo) 、郭昭佑(Chao-Yu Guo)
中文摘要 電腦與網路的發達使人類生活得以從時間及空間鬆綁,訊息傳遞與儲存方式的改變開啟了數位化轉型的時代,數位化內涵呈現多樣性且全方面的發生,社會各領域及層面均因數位化影響產生根本的改變,進而發生數位化轉型,這當中也包括教育。德國聯邦政府於2020年公布的國家教育報告中即特別闡述德國教育在數位化上的現況及表現,雖然在新冠肺炎影響下,德國教育受到極大的影響,卻也是該國教育數位化發展的轉捩點。本文首先從國家社會發展的觀點來分析當今數位化概念,並深入闡述德國教育數位化的現況困境與挑戰,以及發展趨勢,進而提出德國教育數位化對臺灣教育之啟示。
英文摘要 The developments of computer and internet make our lives untie from space and time. The change of the form of delivery and storage regarding to information begins the era of digital transformation. Digitalization grows diversely and in all directions. It makes a fundamental change of each area and level of society and causes digital transformation, including education. The current state of digitalization in education in Germany is subscribed through the focus topic in national education report. Under the influence of Covid-19 pandemic the trends of digitalization of education is going through a critical time. This article explains the concept of digitalization from national and social developmental aspect and further descripts the current challenges and trends in digitalization in German education. Finally, the study concludes the implications of German digital education to Taiwan.
頁次 129-145
關鍵詞 教育數位化 德國教育 數位化 digitalization in education German education digitalization
卷期 324
日期 202104
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602021040324008