

篇名 靠不住的诺言:技术之于学习的神话
並列篇名 An Uncertain Promise: The Technology Supported Learning Myth
作者 李芒(LI Mang) 、石君齐(SHI Junqi)
中文摘要 人工智能融入教育的主流话语建基在对教师角色的解构之上,并通过技术支持学习的神话许诺实现教育革命。然而,这一靠不住的诺言本质上试图用“以机器为中心”代替“以教师为中心”,陷入避坑落井的尴尬境地,从而构建了更为精准的“全景式监狱”。此神话既背叛了教育规律,又是教育焦虑与“唯科学主义”态度重合的产物,并在嗅到巨大利益的资本推动下广为盛行。教育改革虽然迫切需要技术支持,但切勿使技术凌驾于主体之上,使超度人类灵魂的教育活动遭到贬黜。智能技术之于学习的未来更应妥善处理教育技术的基本矛盾及主要矛盾,摆脱“目的-手段”之链的死循环,将自身定位于作为手段的“引带技术”,而非作为目的的“促逼技术”。如此,智能技术方能显现出教育的意义和价值。
英文摘要 The mainstream discourse of AI application in education is based on the deconstruction of teacher’s role. Technology supported learning myth promises to realize education revolution. However, this uncertain promise is essentially an attempt to replace ‘‘teacher-centered” learning with "machine-centered" learning, falling into an embarrassing situation of fending off one danger only to fall a prey to another, and creating a more precise “panoramic prison”. This myth not only betrays the rules of education, but also is a product of the coincidence of educational anxiety and scientism, popularized by capital that smells great benefits. Although Educational Reform urgently needs technical support, it should not let the technology over the subject, degrading the educational activities that transcendent human soul. In the future, the basic contradiction and principal contradiction of educational technology should be properly handled, get rid of the endless cycle of “end-means” chain, and being the "Hervor-bringen technology" as a means, rather than the “herausfordern technology” as an end. In this way, intelligent technology can show the educational meaning and value.
頁次 014-020
關鍵詞 教育技术 基本矛盾 人工智能 技术神话 educational technology basic contradiction principal contradiction artificial intelligence technology myth CSSCI
卷期 26:1
日期 202002
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學
DOI 10. 13966/j. cnki. kfjyyj. 2020. 01.002