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篇名 透過社群協作之知識翻新活動以促進在職教師碩士論文研究
並列篇名 Promoting In-service Teacher Master’s Thesis Research through Community Collaboration for Knowledge Building
作者 陳美如(Mei-Ju Chen) 、曾子沁(Tzu-Chin Tseng) 、曾莉婷(Li-Ting Tseng)
中文摘要 近年來,隨著資訊科技及網路普及,世界正以極快的速度變化,這也使得教師在職進修碩士學位的需求提升。為協助教師解決論文研究難題,本研究採個案研究,以32位在職教師為研究對象,採「社群協作」之知識翻新活動應用於研究的問題解決,期望透過社群的力量相互學習,促進想法發展,形成更完善的解決方法。研究方法採質量混合,針對研究困難類型,以及在職教師運用的知識類型進行分析與歸納,呈現教師透過社群協作進行知識翻新及問題解決的過程。研究結果發現,「文獻蒐集、選擇、統整及撰寫」、「論文下筆與格式」以及「選擇研究方法與工具」是多數教師在研究過程中最常面臨的困難。教師在經過知識論壇提出研究困難、機遇性的回饋、閱讀社群成員的分享與再回饋的互動歷程後,將彼此提出的知識與想法進行統整反思,促進想法翻新,既能解決自身的問題,同時也能幫助其他社群成員,最終可使個人與社群知識提升。
英文摘要 In recent years, with the popularization of information technology and the internet, the world is changing rapidly, and the requirement of in-service teachers to study master’s degrees has increased. In order to help teachers solving the problems of research, this study used case study to apply “community collaboration” for knowledge building to the problem solving of master’s thesis research. We look forward to using the power of the community to learn from each other, promote the improvement of ideas, and develop better solutions. Moreover, the study adopted quality and quantity mixed analysis method to analyze and summarize the types of problems and the types of knowledge used by teachers, presents the process of knowledge building and problem-solving through community collaboration. The results of the study found that “document collection, selection, unification and writing”, “writing and format of papers” and” the selection of research methods and tools” are the common problems faced by teachers in the research process. After putting forward research problems, opportunistic feedback, reading community members’ ideas and giving re-feedback on Knowledge Forum, teachers integrate and reflect on the knowledge and ideas put forward by each other to promote the renovation of ideas, which can not only solve their own problems, but also help other community members. Ultimately, personal and community knowledge can be enhanced.
頁次 057-078
關鍵詞 在職教師 知識翻新 社群協作 前景性知識 學位論文 in-service teacher knowledge building community collaboration knowledge of promisingness thesis
卷期 324
日期 202104
刊名 教育研究月刊
出版單位 高等教育文化事業有限公司
DOI 10.3966/168063602021040324004