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篇名 聽覺損傷兒童幼小轉銜準備能力之初探
並列篇名 School Readiness of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing Transitioning into First Grade
作者 陳怡慧(Yi-Hui Chen)
中文摘要 本研究以問卷調查法探討不同階段教師對聽覺損傷兒童入小學之準備能力的看法。研究對象包括中部地區聽覺損傷兒童早期療育教學者16人,以及彰化縣國民小學一年級聽覺損傷兒童之教師18人。問卷內容涵蓋六大面向:「課業學習」、「社會情緒」、「團體適應」、「生活自理」、「語言溝通」、以及「動作發展」。研究結果指出,兩個階段的教師均將六個能力面向評定為「重要」等級的能力。聽損早期療育教學者評定其教學程度最高的面向為「語言溝通」。小一教師認為小學一年級聽損學生具備程度最高的準備能力面向是「動作發展」,具備程度居末的面向則為「社會情緒」。最後,本研究依據研究結果進行相關討論,並針對未來研究提出建議。
英文摘要 The current preliminary study aimed to use survey questionnaires to explore the perspectives of teachers regarding school readiness of children who were deaf or hard of hearing transitioning from kindergarten to the first grade of elementary school. The study included sixteen teachers working in three early intervention institutes for the deaf or hard of hearing in central Taiwan, and eighteen first-grade teachers teaching students who were deaf or hard of hearing from eight elementary schools in Chunghua County, also in central Taiwan. There were six domains in the questionnaires: “Academic learning”, “social-emotion”, “group adaptation”, “self-care”, “language communication”, and “motor”. The result of this study indicated that teachers at both stages regarded all the domains as important school readiness skills for children who were deaf or hard of hearing transitioning from kindergarten to elementary school. “Language communication” was rated as the domain with the best instruction by teachers of the early intervention institutes for the deaf or hard of hearing. In addition, from the perspectives of the first grade teachers, “motor” was rated as the domain with the best preparation and “social-emotion” was the one with the least preparation. Further discussion and suggestions were given based on the result of the study.
頁次 025-046
關鍵詞 聽覺損傷 聽損兒童 早期療育 小一教師 入學準備能力 幼小轉銜 deaf or hard of hearing school readiness transition from kindergarten to elementary school early intervention elementary school
卷期 35
日期 201812
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系