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篇名 3D設計自我效能、學習興趣與成就感對實作表現之影響:以PjBL教學策略融入3D虛擬場景製作為例
並列篇名 The Influence of 3D Design Self-efficacy, 3D Design Interest and 3D Design Fulfillment on Design Performance: Taking PjBL Teaching Strategy into 3D Scene Modeling Course as an Example
作者 洪士傑(Shih-Chieh Hung) 、羅藝方(Yi-Fang Luo) 、楊淑晴(Shu-Ching Yang) 、洪信惠(Shin-Hye Hong)
中文摘要 本研究探討43位科技大學生接受18週「3D虛擬場景製作」課程後,其3D設計自我效能、學習興趣、成就感及3D設計表現之關係。課程採用專題、任務導向學習和工作室思維等策略。研究主要有四發現:一、學生在課程中表現出較高的3D設計自我效能、學習興趣和成就感,特別在3D建模技術方面。二、3D設計自我效能對學生的3D設計成就感和學習興趣有正向影響,透過學習興趣,也發現其對於3D設計實作表現有間接影響。三、3D設計成就感對學習興趣有正向影響,並透過學習興趣對3D設計實作表現產生間接影響。四、3D設計學習興趣對3D設計實作表現有正向影響。
英文摘要 This research proposes introducing a "3D Scene Modeling Course" at a science and technology university in southern Taiwan, emphasizing a project-based, task-based, and studio thinking learning. It explores the correlation between students’ 3D design self-efficacy, learning interest, fulfillment, and performance. Using scales for the first three items, this study finds positive outcomes when integrating digital archiving projects, enhancing self-efficacy, motivation, and modeling techniques. Moreover, the positive self-efficacy correlates with the higher interest and fulfillment, influencing an improved 3D design performance, the forth item. The higher self-efficacy and fulfillment indirectly lead to enhanced practical performance in 3D design can be concluded in this research.
頁次 097-132
關鍵詞 3D設計自我效能 3D設計成就感 3D設計學習興趣 3D設計課程 3D設計實作表現 3D design self-efficacy 3D design fulfillment 3D design interest 3D Scene Modeling Course 3D design performance TSSCI
卷期 27:2
日期 202404
刊名 課程與教學
出版單位 中華民國課程與教學學會
DOI 10.6384/CIQ.202404_27(2).0004