

篇名 平行線至交集線的生命樂曲:以SMART敘事取向輔導ADHD學童之個案研究
並列篇名 Composing a Life-Song from the Parallel Lines to Intersection Lines: A Case Study of the SMART Narrative Counseling Approach for an ADHD Student
作者 陳永展(Yung-Chan Chen) 、黃秋霞(Chiu-Hsia Huang)
中文摘要 本研究旨在探究一名國小四年級ADHD學童,接受SMART敘事取向輔導前後的生命歷程與轉化的生命故事。本研究方法採質性研究佐以SMART敘事取向輔導的五大主軸,包含問題外化、描繪問題影響、尋找獨特結果、喚醒特殊能力、敘說並慶祝新故事,並以半結構式訪談蒐集個人敘說的五大問題等資料:問題一:生活章節、問題二:關鍵事件、問題三:重要他人、問題四:未來藍圖、問題五:壓力與難題。本研究參與者在四年級時察覺ADHD標籤效應、被醫生確診為ADHD,以及有ADHD行為問題時,整個生命即受到嚴重的影響,但接受SMART敘事取向輔導後,開始探究自我生命歷程與轉化的生命故事;研究者也由參與本研究的輔導過程中,透過自我反思與覺察自身在輔導過程中的轉化,兩者從平行線走至交集線的互信關係,並共同為交織出的生命故事譜曲。本研究結果顯示,ADHD學童在SMART敘事取向輔導前後的轉化,有助其發展新的生命故事,建議未來研究除了持續進行質性研究,也可進行量化研究,以更廣泛、更全面地運用SMART敘事取向輔導在其他ADHD學童身上,使其有機會重新建構與發展嶄新的生命故事。
英文摘要 This investigation aimed to explore the life-song based on the SMART narrative counseling approach to study the transformation process for the 4th grade elementary ADHD student. It implemented SMART via narrative counseling approach with five elements including separating the problem, mapping the effects of the problem, attending to unique outcomes, remember special abilities, telling and celebrating the new story and by the semi-structured interview in order to collect the life chapters, key events, significant people, future script, and stresses and problems. The main finding of this investigation indicated that even though the ADHD student was severely influenced by the ADHD syndrome, however, there was a turning point after SMART narrative counseling approach. Moreover, I perceived both in progresses of mental reactions and growth through introspection, especially the intimacy grown up between myself and the ADHD student. The above finding indicated that implementing the SMART narrative counseling approach was helpful for the ADHD student to develop a new transformed life. Further the qualitative and quantitative studies might be worth developing to implement the SMART narrative counseling approach with five elements extensively in other ADHD students.
頁次 043-108
關鍵詞 SMART ADHD學童 敘事取向輔導 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) student narrative counseling approach
卷期 53
日期 202106
刊名 健康促進與衛生教育學報
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學健康促進與衛生教育學系
DOI 10.3966/207010632021060053002