

篇名 试论比较教育研究理论取向:话语争鸣及超越
並列篇名 On the Theoretical Orientations of Comparative Education: Discourse Contending and Transcending
作者 杨明全(YANG Mingquan) 、陈川南(CHEN Chuannan)
中文摘要 在学科发展的过程中,比较教育学者自觉没取更宏观的哲学社会学思潮来阐释该领域的相关问题,由此形成了不同的学科理论取向,如结构功能主义的理论取向、新马克思主义的理论取向和后现代主义的理论取向。在每一种理论取向的关照下,诸如现代化理论、人力资本理论、依附理论、解放理论等具体学术观点和主张被用来解释该研究领域的相关现象和问题,这为比较教育研究带来了丰富的话语体系,推动了学科理论建构和学术思想的争鸣。在当今时代的大变局之下,我国的比较教育研究需要正视两百多年来比较教育学科积累下来的学术遗产,在世界学术舞台上贡献自己对学科发展的思考和中国解决教育问题的方案,由此在继承中不断创新,在变革中寻求超越。这也是我国比较教育学者应当肩负的时代责任。
英文摘要 In the process of the development of comparative education, scholars consciously drew upon the grand social theories to explain some issues in comparative education research, thus the theoretical orientations of different theories such as structural-functionalism, neo-Marxism and post-modernism in comparative education research were formed. Besides, theoretical propositions of several middle-range theories such as modernization theory, human capital formation theory, dependency theory, and liberation theory were used to explain the topics in comparative education research, thereby expanding the theoretical horizon of the subject and improving the explanation power of related research results. In the "Great Change" of the present era, the research of comparative education in China needs to face up to the academic heritage accumulated in the past two hundred years, to contribute our thinking on the development of disciplines and China's solutions to educational problems, thus continuing to seek to transcending in the changing world, which is also the responsibility of the Comparative education of our country.
頁次 041-049
關鍵詞 比较教育 结构功能主义 新马克思主义 后现代主义 comparative education structural-functionalism neo-Marxism post-modernism CSSCI
卷期 44:1
日期 202201
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所
DOI 10.20013/j.cnki.ICE.2022.01.05